Publisher: Waverunner Audio
Website: waverunneraudio
Format: KONTAKT 6.3.1+
Quality: 24bit 48kHz stereo
Description: Modern meets ancient: an instrument with a history spanning thousands of years meets 21st century technology.
WA Kalimba – Also known as the mbira or thumb piano, this instrument has roots in African music and was brought to foreign countries by ethnomusicologist Hugh Tracy in the 20th century. To add a unique and modern vibe, we took a sample of Hugh Tracy’s Kalimba with a pin (a more traditional style, where the pin is used on metal reeds), a finger (where the tip of the finger is used without a pin, a slightly softer attack is obtained.) and the incredible sound of the Kalimba played by rubber. The result is a soft, round sound. All of these samples were then used to create mini-performances through a chain of external equipment to create moods, consisting of microloops, textures and sonic quirks that add rich potential for the user to create unique sounds and soundscapes.
Characteristics :
x2 microphone options
dynamic: sm57
condenser: AT 4033
1.26gb installed
rubber, finger and nail at x5 rr
microloops, textures, sonic oddities
7 snapshots