Year / Release Date : 12.2019
Version : 1.4.3
Developer : KORG
Developer’s site : korg
Bit : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Host supporting VST, AAX plugin formats
Description : Korg LegacyCell is a virtual synthesizer that allows you to create combinations of two instruments (MS-20 and / or Polysix), two insert effects and two master effects (19 algorithms in total: compressor,
limiter, overdrive, equalizer, flanger, phaser, chorus, delay, reverb and
other). Sound overlay (with dynamic layer switching) and creation possible
keyboard zones, assignment of controllers to control parameters
instruments and effects. There are 256 ready-made performances. MIDI Supported
microKONTROL controller.
The tool requires installed MS-20, Polysix, MDE-X from R2R