Publisher: Fluffy Audio
Website: Fluffy Audio
Format: KONTAKT 5.8.1+
Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo
Description: If Venice were a violin, canals would be its strings, gondolas would be its player, and the sea would be a violin maker.
Venice resembles an age-old fairy tale, or, as Gerolamo Bardi noted, more than four centuries ago in his “On the Famous Things of Venice”; an impossible possibility, a tremendous miracle, standing so far from the norm that it cannot even be considered a human creation, but must instead be placed in the kingdom of God.
In Brescia and Cremona in Venice, some of the most famous violin makers emerged, setting the standard for excellence in violin craftsmanship and sound. Therefore, we decided to try an orchestra from Venice and the surrounding area in the city of Crema, aiming to achieve a modern sound while maintaining the same tradition and aspiration for excellence. When we started with FluffyAudio, we could only dream of sampling an orchestra. At the time, the idea seemed unthinkable, something of a dream, at least as complex and incredible as building a city by the sea. Well, that day has arrived, and despite some skepticism, earlier than we could have imagined. Matteo Marzaro, Glauco Bertagnin, Leonardo Sapere, Alessandro Pandolfi and Michele Maulucci are just some of the amazing musicians we have had the privilege of working with. The orchestra is their family, and Venice is their theater. They have learned to breathe together, and together with music they form the soul, flesh and blood of one of the most incredible organisms that humanity has ever imagined and achieved: the orchestra. It is known that Venice was built on unstable soil. This foundation is his curse, slowly being eroded by the sea. Yet at the same time, it is this that gives Venice its glory and decadent splendor, allowing the sea to play the great score of Venice.
Venice Modern Strings is a sampled string orchestra for Kontakt 5 featuring 8 first violins, 6 second violins, 5 violas, 5 cellos and 3 double basses. The library contains three types of legato: portamento, legato with changing fingers and legato with changing bow. They can be triggered by either Velocity, MIDI CC, or Modulation Wheel. In addition, there is a control over the amount of vibrato. There is a polyphonic legato engine, mainly Dominus, Staccato and Staccatissimo articulations, short and long arcs, and a small selection of sustain articulations. Each articulation has a set of advanced controls: you can tweak parameters for even more jerky legato or control the velocity curve of articulations such as Pizzicato, Staccato, and Staccatissimo.
All long articulations can be modulated by the morph engine: this allows you to create your own articulations by dynamically modulating two different string techniques in different ways. The library also includes single articulation patches, ensembles and patches that take up little space.