WACUP 1.99.3 Build 18106 – ex-WINAMP [WiN x86 x64]

By | May 18, 2024


Year/Date of Release : 2024.01.18
Version : 1.99.3 Build 18106
Developer : dro
Developer website : https://getwacup.com
Bit depth : 32/64bit
Interface language : English
Tablet : not required
System requirements : x86. Windows

Description : WACUP is the good old Winamp audio player. The player still has many users who need updates. This is why WACUP exists – releasing various updates and fixes to keep the program up to date. The project is led by DrO (Darren Owen), a developer well known for his many years of activity on the official Winamp forum.

List of changes (1.9.20 Build 17040 > 1.99.3 Build 18106)
  • Added an initial native equalizer implementation along with the changes needed to get the equalizer window working
  • Added options on the equalizer on/off button right-click menu for classic skins & the modern skin equalizer sub-menu to change the frequency bands & limiter options without needing to go to the Playback preferences page
  • Added an initial native last.fm scrobbler feature to the Yule Log plug-in targeting their 2.0 API which allows for it to show ‘scrobbling now’ before the actual scrobble occurs
  • Added an initial WACUPified version of in_qsf (Highly Quixotic QSF Player) for playing Capcom Q-Sound Format (QSF) files
  • Added actions to the local library view / library button to refresh the metadata for the view / local library as a whole only for files determined to have changed since the last read of data by the library
  • Added a warning confirmation prompt before the ASIO output plug-in is attempted to be set as the active output plug-in due to the issues that using the plug-in may have (especially resetting volume on track changes depending on driver / device handling)
  • Added better help messages for some of the actions that may require admin access to complete (eg skin installation & enabling the agent mode) incase they fail or the user cancels things &/or doesn’t get the then expected result
  • Added options to the Local Library sub-menu on the Library button menu to go to the Folder Monitor preference page along with triggering a rescan of any actively enabled folders set to be monitored
  • Added WACUPified versions of the old 3rd party Thinger & Yar-matey! Playlist Copier plug-ins for better integration (these are installed but not enabled by default on new / updated installs if not already present & removes the need for the extra_plugins archives that the beta testers had needed to get access to these)
  • Added a tooltip on the library podcast navigation node when feeds are being updated to give a better indication if some appear to be taking longer than expected to be processed to help track them down
  • Added /SEEK= to the command-line options as a more obvious action compared to /WA_IPC 106
  • Added an option to the General preference page to allow for disabling the physically delete item handling in the core & native WACUP plug-ins (this will disable menus, shortcut handling & for some of the ui related aspects hide the icons that might appear when this is set to disabled)
  • Added to the advanced prefs page a set of options to control the playlist formats (real & virtual) that WACUP will attempt to handle (this is more for debugging purposes but might help in some scenarios)
  • Added an option to the Playlist preference page to allow for the item lengths to not be shown (this complements the existing option to hide the playlist item positions) & some related library playlist view handling to get this working with it
  • Added a workaround for WINE installs to try to use the ‘DejaVu Sans’ font for the library clear search / edit view buttons instead of relying on the main ui font since it all too often will show as an empty box (which is what’ll still happen if the desired font cannot be found & is something afaict about how WINE does it’s font mapping for extended characters vs what Windows is able to do)
  • Added an option to the Classic Skin preference page to be able to disable the song timer flashing between showing the current position & not if playback is paused (default behavior is to flash it)
  • Changed how the input plug-in metadata cache clearing action is triggered which should better avoid some issues seen by them trying to provide a response for the fake file that’s being given to them (eg could cause some weird hangs on closing with some of the older input plug-ins)
  • Changed how main playlist title updates are handled when the closing process is started to avoid closing taking too long & triggering the OS unresponsive handler
  • Changed how the preference window works to better verify that the dialog attempting to be created is likely to be valid before creating it to avoid a crash
  • Changed how the missing files highlighting is initialised to hopefully avoid causing a hang crash
  • Changed some of the metadata loading handling for the CD input plug-in to avoid a timing conflict when metadata for the loaded CD is trying to be obtained
  • Changed how the supporting dlls defined to be delay loaded by the input plug-ins is handled to attempt to resolve the loading failures (or unexpected dll unloading) seen by some in combination with some of the multi-threaded actions being made of those input plug -ins
  • Changed a number of the library plug-ins to no longer use delay loading which should resolve some of the crashes experienced by some with the recent build along with a small file size reduction across them
  • Changed the initial loading of the podcast & its related downloads view so it now won’t attempt to pre-prime the local library database (if being used) as that was causing some ui elements to hang if starting / resuming playback on load (this reverts a change that was made a while back within the beta builds where at the time it had actually improved the ui elements hanging but other changes have since negated the need for this)
  • Changed the visualization preference page to try to reflect more changes live without having to manually start / stop things (eg when selecting a sub-module)
  • Changed how exporting bookmarks are handled to use a quicker internal solution which also makes things nicer when using the pls output mode
  • Changed the streaming url plug-in to try to obtain some of the title information if not playing & the core requests a title (eg after adding a youtube url) though this can be slow (normally seeing 3-5 seconds for yt-dlp to resolve the information being asked for)
  • Changed how the local library albumart cache works (again) to avoid a collision which could cause “Artist1\Hits” & “Artist2\Hits” to show the same albumart due to matching things on “Hits” for the album
  • Changed the local library view handling to use playcount as part of the associative sorting when the rating column is the selected column to sort by (this better aligns with how the removed ml_local worked)
  • Changed some of the internal listview related calls when dealing with item selections to try to minimize reprocessing done in some instances which could in rare cases trigger the unresponsive handling
  • Changed some of the internal main playlist title update handling to hopefully resolve the slow to respond / deadlock that a number of crash reports implied
  • Changed a number of the plug-ins to make use of a new internal api call that attempts to get all of the needed metadata in one call from the local library (which is usually faster) with it falling back to getting the metadata on a per value basis while hiding all of that to simplify what the plug-ins need to do
  • Changed some of the internal playlist calls for getting & setting information (mostly related to the length) to avoid a deadlock & concurrency related issues
  • Changed the async albumart requests work to avoid a deadlock seen in some crash reports (eg due to the lyrics plug-in window & cache priming conflicting)
  • Changed the streaming url plug-in to remove a small delay in the processing of urls (this however doesn’t resolve the fundamental slowness with yt-dlp’s processing)
  • Changed how the taskbar text string is updated to try to workaround a rare hang crash that can occur to have it abort the action if things are likely to block
  • Changed some of the tooling related handling to consistently use async downloading which should resolve some of the ui related hang crashes that some have had
  • Changed the add / open url dialog to now attempt to process any url based playlists entered into it to use a non-blocking method to process the downloading (still need to apply this to other aspects)
  • Changed some more of the in_2sf initialization to halve the remaining initial dll loading time & reduced the memory usage until the plug-in is actively used for playback
  • Changed how skins are being parsed to now ignore instances of a single skin archive within a sub-folder within the skins folder as that is not correct (occurs when extracting some “skin packs”) so they will not appear in the menus / preferences as it’s not worthwhile to re-work a load of the skin handling at this time
  • Changed some of the handling when trying to get the items within a local library view to elsewhere to hopefully resolve the deadlocking issues that have been seen in some crash reports
  • Changed how podcast feeds once downloaded are handled to try to avoid blocking in the libcurl callback handler which from some crash reports might be blocking actions for too long on some feeds causing weirdness to then occur once it’s released & able to spin back around to process any remaining feeds
  • Changed the internal list of extensions to be ignored when getting metadata requests to avoid some more based on recent crash reports (eg ini)
  • Changed the checks made for an unhandled crash on the next time WACUP is run to verify the files needed have some data in them before trying to submit them
  • Changed the local library plug-in to do some more caching of api call responses to minimize instances of the calls blocking on another call on the same file
  • Changed how the lyrics plug-in handles initial loading of the background albumart to reduce it’s initial loading impact to avoid a potentially large image resize action occurring on the main ui thread
  • Changed how the api calls to seek within the playing item are handled to be more reliable especially if it’s from a quick stop & restart of playback where some of the input plug-ins can action the call but might be incorrectly reporting that seeking is not possible (this could cause some of the playback resume handling to fail but isn’t the only cause for it)
  • Changed the milkdrop DirectX 9.0c not present handling to show the messagebox for longer before it’ll then attempt to then auto-install it unless no is selected
  • Changed some of the WINE related handling including for now disabling WACUP’s dark-mode detection if running under WINE as visually it’s a mess due to afaict incomplete handling on WINE’s side for things
  • Changed how the podcast library views handle tooltips for the feed / downloaded items to better condense down multiple linebreaks which can come from the source html so the tooltips use up less space
  • Changed most of the handling around thread creation to resolve some issues if they fail (eg due to low process memory) & to reduce code duplication throughout
  • Changed the local library & history database handling to attempt to recover the database if there’s determined to be some indexing related issues within the files (eg due to dat & idx file mismatching)
  • Changed the podcast plug-in to attempt to determine incomplete downloads more consistently though this is still not 100% due to a lot of feeds not providing the correct file size of what will be downloaded
  • Changed the initial installer text to better reflect the current state of WACUP & it’s feature support
  • Changed libcurl to make use of the c-ares library for the asynchronous DNS handling which reduces the time with large podcast updates
  • Changed the lyrics window loading so it’ll avoid drawing the not found image when actual albumart is known it’ll be drawn for a small time saving during the initial loading process
  • Changed saving the current shuffle table to be done on it’s own background thread to avoid it triggering a main ui thread hang for some setups where saving out was taking too long
  • Changed the global hotkeys plug-in to not be enabled when running under WINE since support between it & WINE & the user’s desktop environment doesn’t seem to be working per feedback (if WINE improves then this can be re-enabled at a later time & there’s the command-line actions which can be used as needed via shortcuts which seems to get close to what’s needed as a workaround)
  • Changed how closing works so WACUP will now attempt to minimize itself to avoid any ui related aspects updating while any potentially slow running actions (eg saving out playback changes) could previously cause the ui to stay shown in a somewhat unresponsive state which has in some instances allowed the user to try to still interact with it & that then causes the unresponsive handler to take over
  • Changed (again) the main image resizing implementation to something which does it much quicker (eg 220ms to 60ms for one 2900x2900px test image in the albumart window to go in a near 4K albumart window) which should make a number of aspects feel smoother along with allowing the local library cover view to process & populate things quicker overall (especially if set to prepopulate the albumart in the view)
  • Changed how the child library playlist view is handled to do item title load / refreshes on a background thread (eg for playlist items missing a pre-generated title on loading) to avoid ui related blocking (especially helpful during initial WACUP loading)
  • Changed the preference option to control the visual style of the plug-in preference page lists (icon + description vs simple list) to be on the root Plug-ins preference page instead of being part of the Advanced preference pages along with some other reworking of the advanced preference page layout for other changes made to it with this build
  • Changed the waveform decoder preferences to now be done as an integrated preference page along with adding an option to control the old floating point file normalizing behavior (which could make some files sound louder than expected)
  • Changed the installer to prevent it installing on WINE instances prior to 7.0 to avoid a number of issues that WINE 6.x & earlier have causing aspects of WACUP to break or not run correctly at all for some
  • Changed the minimum size allowed for the classic skin embedded windows to now be 250px (or the scaled equivalent) from the 275px minimum due to how the skin frame elements are defined (may look into adding additional skin elements to allow for small window sizes but that would require skin updates to occur so may not happen)
  • Changed how the crash reports are generated to make it easier for the Error Reporting preference page to now be able to show the crash summary for the last crash that occurred (depending on the type of crash this may still not be able to show a reason but it’s doing the best it can for now)
  • Changed the handling of the encoder sub plug-ins so they now provide their description strings in unicode format allowing the WACUP core to drop that feature support in the localization api for 64-bit builds
  • Fixed some of the crash issues seen with the Not So Direct output plug-in due to timing &/or input weirdness due to issues experienced prior to the output stage
  • Fixed a crash if the playlist editor window was sized to nothing while trying to scroll within it at the same time
  • Fixed a crash hang on closing if the preference page to show WACUP’s current version information is slow to respond while also trying to close the WACUP instance
  • Fixed the probable cause of a deadlock with in_mp4 due to trying to process a stop request while other actions are still in progress (eg starting youtube playback)
  • Fixed the probable cause of a crash seen if there’s an issue in trying to create a generic skinned window for a visualization plug-in which is then destroyed as part of the failure clean-up related to this
  • Fixed a timing issue with how some internal aspects of visualization plug-ins & the classic skin main window vu meter work which could cause it to randomly fail especially after doing fast switching to an item with different output format (eg sample rate changing)
  • Fixed a number of issues related to visualization plug-ins with multiple modules within them when interacting with things via the visualization preference page
  • Fixed a crash for some setups when trying to export the current bookmarks file to another format
  • Fixed opening to the crystal classic skin prefs page not working correctly & causing painting issues from the prior classic skin preference page that would’ve been shown before the plug-in forced it’s own
  • Fixed a text clipping issue on the streaming source status text which appeared when it’s been running on the same connection for many days
  • Fixed the add / edit view dialog getting stuck if having tried to edit the root local library view first & then going to add a new sub-view
  • Fixed a regression causing newly added library playlists to not always appear or react as needed within some ui elements until restarting
  • Fixed some issues with the handling while getting titles from yt-dlp which could cause them to show with question marks instead of the intended characters
  • Fixed a number of youtube urls not playing as expected (no playback & causing high cpu, super slow fps & missing audio, odd frame pacing)
  • Fixed a deadlock which could occur while trying to do a local library import / refresh & an item doesn’t have a known ‘album’ metadata value while trying to determine associated albumart details while doing other interactions with the local library plug-in views & /or database
  • Fixed the probable cause of a crash when using the send-to menu in the bookmarks library view
  • Fixed some actions incorrectly trying to process CD related items using the alternative CD path format which could then cause WACUP to become unresponsive due to multiple actions trying to access the disc
  • Fixed some of the audio from the last played 2SF file being heard at the start of playing another 2SF file
  • Fixed a crash with out_neo if there’s an issue with the selection of the output plug-in which is used by it
  • Fixed a crash seen when checking if a JPEG file was valid prior to trying to fully decode the image file
  • Fixed some issues due to input plug-in corruption / unexpected member overrides (mostly issue for 32-bit)
  • Fixed the probable cause of a crash seen when downloading a podcast in low memory / other process issues
  • Fixed some duplicate processing when internally converting strings to save time & avoid object lifetime issues
  • Fixed the waveform seeker not drawing cue points correctly due to a painting optimization change from months back
  • Fixed some overpainting & flicker issues with the adding / processing status area at the bottom of the playlist window
  • Fixed a number of small issues related to how local library view sorting is handled across threads to hopefully resolve some of the odd crashes seen especially when doing fast local library view switching
  • Fixed read-only OGG files failing play due to incorrect file permissions being requested when attempting to open the files
  • Fixed a crash issue due to an internal api issue related to the handling of library window node creation & localized strings
  • Fixed a crash due to being able to trigger the skin right-click menu on the skin preference page if no item had been selected along with the menu incorrectly appearing when it shouldn’t if clicking on the dead area of ​​the list
  • Fixed a crash on close due to the Win10Shell plug-in where in some instances it’s able to cause the process closing message to be received twice which then caused the plug-in to deadlock itself on the first call to close while receiving the second self- induced call to close
  • Fixed the probable cause of a hang / crash on closing (especially if doing quick load & closes with autoplay enabled) when using Not So Direct due to mishandling output device releasing which could cause the DirectSound threading to not like what’s happening
  • Fixed some threading issues with the Streaming Source DSP which could cause a hang / crash on close to occur due to the title update thread still trying to acquire metadata when it’s no longer viable
  • Fixed the waveform seeker plug-in sometimes trying to open a file for processing when the overall process is trying to close
  • Fixed a number of thread handling issues with some being able to keep running after they should’ve been stopped (eg bookmarks loading during a quick load & close)
  • Fixed in_mp4 triggering a crash under procdump instances when stopping playback due to a mis-timing in some of it’s clean-up
  • Fixed the probable cause of a crash on closing with the history plug-in due to it’s processing thread not exiting correctly
  • Fixed a number of issues with video only MP4 based files which either wouldn’t begin playback correctly or metadata wouldn’t be returned as expected
  • Fixed the format converting api getting stuck in an endless loop when trying to find an appropriate input plug-in for video only formats which could appear as the waveform seeker plug-in locking up / preventing closing from happening as expected
  • Fixed some items being incorrectly flagged as unsupported due to trailing characters / sub-file designations when checking for files being missing
  • Fixed a number of small memory leaks with the audio & video decoder handling in in_mp4
  • Fixed Alt+ not working if set as a global hotkey due to a conflict with the Alt+Click action on the stop button
  • Fixed a crash due to a timing issue with adding some of the preference pages whilst an unrelated attempt to get a localized string was also happening
  • Fixed a path generation issue with the ML_IPC_PLAYLIST_ADD api when using the import flag preventing the specified playlist from being copied over to be a library managed playlist
  • Fixed the local library not being able to correctly detect PNG albumart for the ‘has artwork’ & related metadata columns
  • Fixed the local library plug-in sometimes not accepting podcast additions if the item was already in the local library database but a re-download / podcast feed parse is attempted
  • Fixed the probable cause of some of the jtfe related actions on the send-to menu causing a crash due to incorrectly parsing the string list
  • Fixed a few instances where the handle from CreateThread was not being correctly released which could cause the process handle count to grow unexpectedly which for some could cause a process crash to occur
  • Fixed the podcast image handling not correctly trying to re-download the branding image if what’s found locally isn’t complete when a feed is being updated
  • Fixed some of the input plug-ins crashing if there’s a delay between playback being attempted, their playback threads starting & a received stop / restart playback action
  • Fixed a crash seen by some when closing the folder monitor preference page
  • Fixed a memory leak for some instances where a local library internal query is mid-processing & is canceled for another call (impact of this massively depends on machine speed & size of library database)
  • Fixed a loading quirk with the albumart window which could cause it to show the unpopulated cache image if the local library is taking too long to respond to the request
  • Fixed importing some older local library databases due to incorrectly handling the stringfields which could cause some actions to unexpectedly fail despite things seemingly looking to be correct
  • Fixed some small performance issues with the local library plug-in from the style of internal queries used to avoiding some reprocessing when it’s determined it’s never going to succeed with it
  • Fixed non-real filepaths incorrectly being reported as missing when the local library is checking for missing files when they are actually there & a check wasn’t using the actual filepath for it
  • Fixed some deadlocks related to the visualization plug-in handling especially when the multiple visualization plug-in handling is enabled & actively being used
  • Fixed a crash due to how a file path conversion api was being called not handling multi-threaded access correctly
  • Fixed a classic skin loading issue which could prevent bitmaps with palletised colors being displayed correctly
  • Fixed a playback issue for DFF / DSF files via the in_dsd input plug-in if a DSP was currently active
  • Fixed a multi-threaded crash issue when trying to save multiple files from online responses at the same time (eg updating associated artwork for podcasts)
  • Fixed the probable cause of a crash when resizing some images especially in low available memory scenarios
  • Fixed a crash seen by some when doing clean-up of string data being passed into NDE based database files
  • Fixed a number of reproducible issues with trying to install skins into WACUP when a manual file association for the wsz & wal file types has been setup along with better handling of user cancellations
  • Fixed some issues with the Streaming Source & Server plug-ins where disconnecting & reconnect might not work correctly along with a possible audio glitching issue due to how title updates were handled
  • Fixed some title update requests from the main playlist incorrectly causing the local library to show a processing state with its navigation tree icon when what was attempted has long since been completed
  • Fixed some more dark-mode related issues with the Milkdrop (& possibly other plug-in) preferences due to mis-alignment of the drawing of some of the control texts
  • Fixed some file extension to input plug-in matching not working as expected when the file extension contains multiple periods (eg sc68.gz) causing the file to not play or go to the wrong input plug-in
  • Fixed some test metadata calls not getting the correct response for MP4 based file types (eg the type of the file not reporting video when it would normally be based on the assumed file extension)
  • Fixed a playback failure with Youtube urls via in_mp4 which mostly appeared in the dev / interim builds but was potentially able to appear within the prior builds
  • Fixed a deadlock issue if opening the history database fails along with some other related handling changes if there’s a loading failing within the other plug-ins
  • Fixed the intended live loading of disabled library plug-ins via the media library preference page not working correctly in all instances along with the list not being sorted to place all active plug-ins at the top
  • Fixed the Ctrl+Alt+E / refresh playlist metadata action not handling all actions correctly depending on the main playlist title metadata reading options which could prevent changes from being observed
  • Fixed a visual issue with the bottom area of ​​the queue manager window & library view when there’s queued items
  • Fixed the queue manager library view not being created if the library core is enabled after WACUP has been loaded
  • Fixed the adlib based input plug-in not reporting the family string correctly for some file types (eg M as A2M)
  • Fixed a handling issue if the artwork cache wasn’t able to process the passed in image correctly which could cause the default / fallback image to incorrectly be used despite the source image being valid
  • Fixed the local library taking far too long to resume processing some of the background actions if a ui related call occurs which needs to interupt things (eg getting album metadata for artwork loading while doing a background refresh of metadata within the local library database)
  • Fixed a performance issue with the local library ingress thread by not properly caching the supported list of file extensions which caused it to be re-generated on all files attempting to be processed (eg going from around 60 seconds to do a quick check of metadata changes against 30K items down to 2 & a bit seconds)
  • Fixed some MP4 based files not playing / rendering all elements due to not correctly parsing the sample size information
  • Fixed the in the /WA_IPC command-line calls incorrectly being limited to 0-65536 when it should be 0-4294967295 due to the validation being re-used on
  • Fixed a conflict between the Autoplay & History handling during initial loading which could prevent the resumed playback from being tracked though the playback offset (if that’s enabled) would be tracked
  • Fixed a regression which broke the fallback handling of misnamed opus files with the ogg extension & vice-versa not being passed onto the appropriate input plug-in if the first match cannot play the file
  • Fixed a number of inconsistencies with the physically delete items handling between the core & plug-ins (eg main playlist right-click menu shortcut style & incorrectly being hidden when disabling plug-ins)
  • Fixed some quirks found with the albumart window due to the sped up image resizing sometimes allowing things to get out of sync visually during some quick playback & selection related changes
  • Fixed the child library playlist view incorrectly trying to re-generate titles for items that are missing one & had already been attempted to have a title generated for them which could cause some ui lag
  • Fixed the podcast download view list loading text not spinning
  • Fixed an mpg123 dll compilation issue causing it to be larger than needed
  • Fixed the in_mod input plug-in configuration incorrectly mentioning the option to treat files with sub-songs as a single file would only play the first sub-song when it should be playing all of them (that was only a thing during an interim build & was long since resolved between the config option being added & the prior preview build having been released over a 2.5 year time range)
  • Fixed a seeking issue with the in_mod input plug-in if configured to treat files with sub-songs as a single file due to a library bug
  • Fixed floating point encoded WAV file formats having their output incorrectly normalized which could cause some files to play much louder than expected (there’s a preference option to be able to re-enable the old behavior for those that might not like this default behavior change)
  • Fixed some debugging code incorrectly being triggered by some setups which could cause a crash on initial loading
  • Fixed some of the font lists showing duplicate fonts (seen when running under WINE where it doesn’t appear to de-duplicate instances of the same font which could cause some setups to lag enumerating them)
  • Fixed the link on the Error Reporting preference page to open the crash reports folder incorrectly selecting all of the crash report archives found in the folder instead of only selecting the most recent
  • Updated ASAP (in_later.dll) to 6.0.1 (17 Nov 2023)
  • Updated AVIR/LANCIR to 3.0.10 (18 Jan 2024)
  • Updated cacert.pem to latest (12 Dec 2023)
  • Updated cppwinrt (gen_win10shell.dll to 2.0.240111.5 (12 Jan 2024)
  • Updated c-ares (libcurl.dll) to 1.2.5 (4 Jan 2024)
  • Updated libcurl (libcurl.dll) to 8.5.0 (6 Dec 2023)
  • Updated libjpeg-turbo (image.w5s) to 3.0.1 (16 Oct 2023)
  • Updated libkss (in_msx.dll) to 1.2.0 (16 July 2023)
  • Updated libnghttp2 (libcurl.dll) to 1.58.0 (27 Oct 2023)
  • Updated libsidplayfp (in_sidious.dll) to 2.6.0 (1 Jan 2024)
  • Updated libvgm (in_vermas.dll) to 0.51.1 (31 Dec 2023)
  • Updated minizip-ng (zlib.dll) to 4.0.4 (29 Dec 2023)
  • Updated Monkey’s Audio (in_ape.dll) to 10.43 (11 Jan 2024)
  • Updated mpg123 (mpg123.dll) to 1.32.4 (10 Jan 2024)
  • Updated OpenSSL (libcurl.dll) to 3.2.0 (23 Nov 2023)
  • Updated pugixml to 1.14 (1 Oct 2023)
  • Updated sc68 (in_sc68k.dll) to the latest commit from 19 Nov 2023
  • Updated Spout2 (vis_milk2) to 2.007.013 (30 Dec 2023)
  • Updated unrar (unrar.dll) to 6.2.12 (3 Oct 2023)
  • Updated vgmstream (in_vgmstream.dll) to the latest Git commit from 14 Jan 2024
  • Updated zlib-ng (zlib.dll) to 2.1.6 (10 Jan 2024)

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