The Patchbay – Red Marker RetroGlow DIVA Deluxe Edition (DiVA, LiVE, CUBASE, FL STUDiO)

By | July 10, 2021


Publisher: The Patchbay
Website: thepatchbay
Format: DiVA, ABLETON LiVE 8.4, CUBASE 7.5+, FL STUDiO

Description: The sequel to “Dreaming Diva” includes 88 patches that are rich in sound and perfect for all genres of retro music. The package includes not only sounds, but also 3 demo projects for FL Studio, Cubase 7.5 and higher and Ableton Live 8.4 and higher. In addition, the Deluxe Edition includes a 5-track EP ‘RetroGlow’, created using only sounds from this package.

Vas Normandy. Travel on cosmic waves.
Glow. A beautiful and soft dreamy Synthwave.
Frozen In Time. An epic cinematic track inspired by Tangerine Dream.

System requirements :
Although the demo projects were created mostly by native plugins, the following third-party plugins, which are also used, both free and paid, are required to load the demo projects correctly:
CableGuys KickStart.
CableGuys Pancake 2 (freeware)
TAL-Chorus-LX-V2 (freeware)
Sonalksis FreeG (freeware)

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