JetBrains – PhpStorm 2021.1.1 [WIN x64]

By | May 21, 2024

Year of release: 2021
Version: 2021.1.1
Office address website: link
Interface language: English
Treatment: other
System requirements:
– Operating system: Windows 8, 10 (only x64)
– RAM: 2 GB shared system memory
– Minimum:
– Disk space: 2.5 GB and another 1 GB for caches
– Monitor resolution: 1024×768
– Recommended:
– Disk space: SSD with at least 5 GB of free space
– Monitor resolution: 1920×1080

PhpStorm is an IDE editor for PHP with an intelligent system that deeply understands your code, supports PHP 7.2,7.1,7.0, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4 and 5.3, helps you monitor the correctness of your code, highlights syntax and highlights errors, and offers code refactoring.

In real time, more than a hundred inspections check the code, analyzing the project as a whole during development. Automatic code formatting using PHPDoc, code (re)arranger, configuring code style, and other tools help developers write neat and understandable code.

Modern front end development technologies are supported, including HTML5, CSS, Sass, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Compass, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, ECMAScript Harmony, Jade templates, Zen Coding, Emmet, and, of course, JavaScript.

PhpStorm has absorbed all the features of WebStorm (HTML/CSS editor, JavaScript editor) and includes full support for PHP and databases/SQL.

What’s new :
– PhpStorm 2021.1 includes more than 20 inspections and fixes
– Allows you to preview PHP and HTML code using a local interpreter
– Perform pair programming.
– Select PHP language version
– In settings, language parameters have been moved to the top level
– Using table prefixes in SQL queries
– Recommendations for simplifying logical expressions
– In PHP8, named assignment argument replacement
– Replacing isset with a union operator with null
– Simplification of if blocks with a common body
– Inversion of the if statement
– Removes extra backslash in use statement
– The foreach variable overrides already defined variables
– Detects redundant curly braces and helps you find and remove extra ones
– Change parameter type based on default value
– Replace isset with == null
– Highlighting of unsafe http:// links
– Highlights strange combinations of names
– Setting up pre-commit inspections
– Synthetic scope of variables for ease of refactoring
– Automatic language inserts.


Treatment procedure:
Treatment by resetting the trial
To set up a trial reset, go to plugins


Click the button – repository manager (gear) and select Manage plugin repositories
in the window that appears, add a new repository (+ button)
We look for the IDE Eval Reset plugin and install it.

This plugin is also in the archive. It can also be installed through the repository manager, just select install plugin from disk


Now, if you go to the help menu, you will find the Eval Reset option. In it, you can either manually reset the trial (reset), or check the Auto reset before per restart box.
The Reload button is used to refresh the displayed information in the interface.

All. Enjoy your use. Thanks to the Chinese.

ps. It is better to install the plugin through the repository, then the plugin will be updated.

The IDE will automatically detect updates to itself and installed plugins and provide prompts. If there is an update for this plugin, you will be prompted to review the update history and choose whether to update it yourself.
Click the IDE menu Check for Updates… to manually check the IDE and installed plug-in updates. If there is an update for this plugin, you will be prompted to review the update history and choose whether to update it yourself.
Plugin updates may require a restart of the IDE.

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