Publisher: Doctor Doubledrop
Website: adsrsounds.com/product/presets/doctor-doubledrop-spectral-psytrance-presets-vol-3/
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
Description: This sound has a bank of 90 all new and inspiring sounds for all genres of Psytrance.
Content :
-01 Init
-01 Snap
-03 Atmos
-04 Kicks
-04 Basses
-05 FX UP
-05 Gates
-10 Arps
-12 Pads
-30 Leads
Doctor Doubledrop returns with another 90 high quality Psytrance presets for Linplug Spectral! This sound bank features 90 all new and inspiring sounds for all Psytrance genres.
This amazing palette of Spectral presets brings you unique sounds, created to allow you to sound just like the most popular Psytrance producers in the world.
These new sounds were inspired by the best Psytrance tracks out there today, inside the download you’ll find all the sound categories you need including kicks, basses, leads, pads, atmospheres, gates, arps, one shot FX, uplifter FX and downlifter fx.
A highly recommended soundset for all Spectral users!