Publisher : Cinetools
Website :
Format : WAV
Quality : 24 bit 96 kHz stereo
The variety of sounds feature in Climax include everything you need to give your projects such as; epic cinematic whooshes to face-melting fly-bys, science fiction flavored pass-bys to flying reverses – All these sounds are made exclusively to provide cinematic lovers where film standard sound is required. You can use these sounds as they are or mix and match them with other elements from this collection.
This supernatural library comes with 313 production-ready designed SFX and 600 raw sources & field recordings – high-quality customization to craft unique SFX sounds yourself; made by various objects from fishing poles to whips, cords to a vacuum cleaner, garden hoses to metal rods, electric cords to badminton rackets, big fireballs to blazing torches, plastic sheets to bamboo stick, car pass by to airplane landing, human voices to cotton blankets, boom poles to leather jackets, wood planks to torches, water splashes to sea waves, thunder and rains to brooks, train pass-bys to motorbikes, bicycle pass-bys to cymbal fly-bys, synth whooshes to jump rope, branches to paper tearing and even more .. All of the sounds were recorded at 96kHz and were edited for instant use in your projects or creative processing. Recorded with Rode NTG-3, Rode NT4, Rode NTG-8, Zoom F8, Zoom H6, Sound Devices 722 – you can easily make your own original whoosh sounds using these sources sounds with the Designed version; offers you a unique and powerful collection of sounds carefully created by only using the raw material of the pack.
In detail expect to find +2GB of content with +900 sound effects contains 600 Raw Sources & Field Recordings and 313 Designed Sounds. “Raw Sources” has been labeled to make it easy to use for you and “Designed Folder” has been categorized and sorted into genres such as Action & Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Adventure, Horror & Thriller, War & Mystery for easy searching. All designed sounds are hyper-detailed, layered and manipulated. Every sound was originally recorded at 24 bit / 96kHz to ensure the highest quality for today’s cinematic production needs.
All of the samples have been pre-cleared and are 100% original and royalty-free for your use without any additional licensing fees. ‘Climax’ will find its place in your library as an indispensable reference point for your next movie, trailer, game, documentary, advertising or any kind of cinematic and multimedia project.
Climax is coming your way!
913 Files
24 Bit / 96kHz
600 Raw Sources & Field Recordings
313 Designed SFX
085 Action & Sci-Fi
062 Fantasy & Adventure
089 Horror & Thriller
077 War & Mystery