Category Archives: MacOS / OSX

VOX – JamVOX 3.0.3 STANDALONE, VST, VST3, RTAS x86 x64

By | December 3, 2015

JamVOX III brings together the best of VOX amp and effect modeling along with advanced Guitar XTraktion technology (GXT III) and popular plug-in compatibility. JamVOX has been the “ultimate” performance studio for the guitarist, providing a large selection of sought-after guitar amps and effects, plus the GXT function that makes it easy to remove the guitar track from… Read More »


By | December 3, 2015

UNVEIL: Award-Winning De-Reverberation & Signal Focusing UNVEILΒ solves an age-old audio engineering problem previously thought to be unsolvable: removing reverb from a recording. It uses a real-time de-mixing algorithm to separate reverb and direct signal components, and thenΒ allows cross-fading between the two. UNVEIL can also reduce or increase masking effects, bringing the key features of a recording into focus,… Read More »