Autodesk – 3ds Max 2024 Build 2024.1 [WIN x64]

By | January 10, 2024


Year/Date of Release : 2023
Version : 2024.1 Build
Developer : Autodesk
Developer website :
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese.
Tablet : present
System requirements :
Autodesk 3ds Max 2024 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware:
Operating System 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 11 and Windows 10. See Autodesk’s Product Support Lifecycle for support information.
Browser Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
Microsoft® Edge
Google Chrome™
Microsoft® Internet Explorer®
Mozilla® Firefox®
CPU 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware Refer to 3ds Max Certified Hardware for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM 4 GB of RAM minimum (8 GB or more recommended )
Disk Space 9 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device Three-button mouse

Description : Autodesk 3ds Max is professional software for 3D modeling, animation and visualization for game creation and design.

What’s new in 3ds Max 2024:
The 3ds Max 2024 release focuses on color and material management, advanced modeling tools, and real-time workflows. For technical details, see the release notes.

Color Management
OCIO-based color management is a preview technology that takes advantage of the modern color pipeline to ensure accurate color reproduction and compatibility with a variety of applications.

Boolean Modifier
The Boolean modifier introduces an intuitive, artist-driven workflow that facilitates procedural modeling and interactivity while producing clear geometric results.

Logical modifier: OpenVDB
The OpenVDB meshing method produces topologically independent results based on waterproof geometry, emphasizing the interactivity of the logical modifier.

Array Modifier Distribution Method: Phyllotaxis The
phyllotaxis distribution method creates clones in a spiral pattern, mimicking what is found in nature.

Array Modifier: Assigning a Material ID
The Array Modifier’s Material ID rollout now includes new options that allow you to assign material IDs to clones on a per-face or per-element basis.

Array Modifier: Progressive Transformations
The Radial, Spline, and Phyllotaxis distribution methods now include a new Progressive method in the Transform rollout, allowing you to incrementally adjust the transformation from the first to the last distribution.

Transformation List Controllers
A transformation list allows you to add multiple transformation controllers to an object. Animators can refine and iterate each controller individually before adjusting the blending of each animation transformation.

Material Switcher
The Material Switcher is a new node in the 3ds Max Material Editor that provides a simple method for controlling the display of multiple material options.

Updated motion paths
Visualization and editing of motion paths is now available for more controller types.

Composite nodes
Connections are nodes that contain subgraphs consisting of other nodes, possibly including other connections. They can be used to organize and simplify large graphs for better readability.

Slate Content Editor
The Slate Content Editor has been enhanced in 2024, providing improved optimization and customization capabilities to improve content editing workflows.

New search filter for modifier list
The modifier list has been updated and is now searchable.


What are other news?
This release of 3ds Max also includes the following changes and improvements.

Symmetry modifier default axis
The default mirror axis of the symmetry modifier is now X to better suit artist workflows.

STL performance improvements
Faster STL import. Importing STL files is now 10,000 times faster. The Import STL File dialog has also been updated, making the difference between the two welding options clearer: Quick Weld is now called Identical Only.

Faster processing using the STL check modifier. Checking dense meshes is now 5000% faster. See STL check modifier.

Improved Auto Smooth performance
When working with an Edit Mesh modifier or a base Editable Mesh object, using Auto Smooth is now at least 10% faster. For more information about automatic smoothing, see Anti-aliasing modifier.

Material modifier updates
When a Material modifier is applied to a spline object, it now remains a spline object rather than being converted to a mesh class object, allowing it to be further manipulated and adjusted by other spline-based modifiers.
When the Material modifier is applied to a Mesh object, it now preserves explicit normals.

Improvements in Slot Welding
The following updates improve the accuracy and quality of results obtained from spline welding operations:
When performing a spline vertex weld, the target vertex is now welded accurately to the target.
When performing a spline extrude (Shift + LMB drag)
On a node component: The extruded node is now welded to the open node target object location. The previously extruded assembly and its open assembly target were welded to the middle of the two positions.
On a segment component: If Join Copy is enabled, the resulting extrusion now has edges connecting the spline vertices to the extruded segment.
Improved retriangulation using Edit Poly and Editable Poly.
The improved retriangulation algorithm that was introduced for the Editable Poly object in 3ds Max 2023.2 is now also used by the Edit Poly modifier. The following improvements have also been made:
Editable Poly objects and the Edit Poly modifier now automatically retriangulate faces when a vertex, edge, or face is adjusted so that edges or hidden faces intersect.
New faces generated by doing Editable Poly > Cap or Edit Poly > Cap are no longer left unsmoothed. Instead, the edges are assigned to a new smoothing group, creating a more visually appealing result.
When using an Editable Poly object or Edit Poly modifier, the following operations now use a retriangulation algorithm to produce better geometric results: Splitting Faces by Inserting Edges, Slice, Cut, Bridge, Vertex Extrude, Edge Extrusion.

Revit and Inventor compatibility on demand
Starting with 3ds Max 2024, Autodesk Revit Interoperability and Autodesk Inventor Interoperability are no longer installed with the 3ds Max installer. Compatibility components are now installed on demand the first time you import a Revit or Inventor model into 3ds Max.
For more information, see Install on Demand for Importing from Revit and Inventor.
Note. You can continue to work in 3ds Max while the Autodesk Interoperability Engine is installed. Once the installation is complete, you can import your Revit or Inventor model without restarting 3ds Max.

ATF Importer
The Autodesk Translation Framework (ATF) 3ds Max importer now supports NX 2206.
Arnold for 3ds Max
3ds Max ships with MAXtoA version for Arnold 7.1.4, which introduces various bug fixes including improved texture workflow.
Substance 2.4.10
3ds Max 2024 ships with Substance 2.4.10.



Move the 3ds Max 2024.1 folder to the C:\
c:\3ds Max 2024.1\ drive
and run Install 3ds Max 2024.1.bat as administrator

Treatment procedure:
After installation, replace the 3dsmax.exe file in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2024 folder

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