Arturia – Clavinet V (STANDALONE, VSTi, VSTi3, AAX) [WiN x64]

By | March 23, 2025


Year / Release Date : 05.201
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer website : Arturia
Digit capacity : 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : Win 7+ PC: 4 GB RAM; 2 GHz CPU.

Description : Clavinet V faithfully simulates an electric keyboard that has funk embedded in many of the 70s hits. This vintage tool is unmistakable. No collection of keyboards will be complete without it. The sound “Clav” is so epoch-making that on most keyboards there is a patch that tries to imitate it. But why rely on approximate accuracy?
From the very first note you play on the Clavinet V, you will realize that this is not a sampler or synthesizer. You will feel that organic sand, which comes only from a physical tool, is reproduced in the smallest details of our award-winning modeling technology. We recreated the iconic Clavinet D6, including a lightning reaction, a lot of pickups, equalizers and mute. Feel this welcome vintage sound you are looking for with a built-in virtual guitar amp and stompbox, or simply browse the extensive preset library.
Thanks to the ultra-realistic Clavinet V, you can get the same crisp sound that helped define the funk and formed the basis of pop music and R & B hits. If you want to add natural energy and vintage flavor to your sound, Clavinet V is the right decision. Your fingers never danced like that!

New in version:

Playlist edition improvements
Playlist preset naming improvements
Favorite presets management improvements
Preset naming improvements
Preset search improvements
Bug fixes
Playlists now visible after recalling a project
No more crash when browsing presets
No more crashes when naming preset
Favorite presets now shuffle is enabled
Links to FAQ now available
Playlists are now visible after uninstalling / reinstalling an instrument

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