Publisher: Westwood Instruments
Website: Westwood Instruments
Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo
Description: Expressive. Raw materials. Homemade.
The ideal violin for imperfect scores.
VIOLIN UNTAMED is a library for solo violin, the idea of which is that samples should sound like a performance. The instrument is based on our unique improvised articulation; a series of evolving and improvised sheet music. It’s like a musician taking your composition and adding individual direction and human performance.
Additional Information
Performed at 3 different intensities; the quietest layer is subtle and delicate, the medium layer brings more emotion and character, whilst the loudest layer sounds wild, intense and often chaotic. They sound beautiful alone as individual notes or even more compelling when played as chord progressions.
With 8 other standard and extended articulations included, all performed with the same philosophy, VIOLIN UNTAMED is a Kontakt library for the composer that wants to sound unpolished, raw and human.
Made for Kontakt Full version 5.6.6 and above