W. A. Production – Redhead Roman EDM Essentials For SYLENTH1 (SYNTH PRESET)

By | January 29, 2024


Publisher: W. A. Production
Website: www.producerloops.com/Download-W-A-Production-Redhead-Roman-Sylenth1-EDM-Essentials.html
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: This Day) Novel: Sylenth1 RU Essentials” was created for only one purpose, to put World Class RU sounds for Sylenth to press a button from any manufacturer.

Content :
120 Presets

β€˜Redhead Roman: Sylenth1 EDM Essentials’ was created for only one purpose; to put world class EDM sounds for Sylenth a button press away from any producer.
This product contains only the most amazing and advanced sounds including acid basses and leads, catchy plucks, deep pads, majestic superplucks and a whole bunch of other presets designed to bring a unique and massive feeling to your mixes.
Each sound has been crafted with precise attention to detail to allow your breaks and drops to sound more sharper and powerful.

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