Year/Date of Issue: 09.2021
Version: 3 v3.5.1
Developer: Uberschall
Developer website: Ueberschall
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka: present | R2R
System requirements: PC 32 and 64 bit as VST, AAX and Stand-Alone version
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable (x86 x64)
Description : Elastik, Ueberschall’s own patented development, is a completely new sample player that provides revolutionary ways to process loops and phrases. The browser provides quick navigation of installed Ueberschall sound banks, helping you find the corresponding sound bank quickly and conveniently. The Keyboard Assignment Area (KAA) allows you to distribute samples across the keyboard and is the link between the Browser and Loopeye. The Loopeye interface is the basis of the Elastik player. It is used to manage loaded samples in various ways.
Go to the program window, open the folder with the saved “Respons” on your computer and drag it directly into the program with the mouse. You will have the following:If anyone does not have Drag & Drop, try running the program NOT from the admin and doing all the manipulations. If it fails, after unsuccessfully dragging the Response file, do not close the elastic window, go to C: \ Users \ USERNAME \ Documents \ ElastikPlayer, double-click on the Response file and open it using Elastik 3 installed in C: \ Program Files \ Ueberschall \ Elastik 3