Year / Release Date : 12.2019
Version : 2019.12
Developer : u-he
Developer’s site : u-he
Format : VSTi, VSTi3, AAX * (* MOD.)
Bit : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System Requirements : Windows 7 +
Description : Set of virtual instruments from u-he:
u-he ACE v1.4.1.9603 – provides the highest sound quality at a very competitive price. The choice of modules and the clean layout make ACE an ideal tool for beginners exploring the fascinating world of modular synthesis. The number of ways to connect modules together is almost endless, and soon you will discover how much pleasure you get from creating your own sounds on a modular synthesizer.
u-he Bazille v1.1.1.9619 is a hybrid modular synthesizer that combines digital oscillators with analog-type filters and realistic effects. The flexibility of connecting modules offers a wide sound range: powerful bass and lead, sophisticated textures, jumping rhythms, modular interference and much more. The instrument offers 4 digital oscillators with FM (frequency modulation), PD (phase distortion) and FR (fractal resonance), as well as 4 multi-mode analog filters, 4 built-in effects (delay, distortion, phaser, spring reverb), 2 LFO, 4 ADS (S) R envelopes, 2 assignable oscillators, 8 x 16 step morphing sequencer, complex modules for signal mixing, RM (ring modulation), AM (amplitude modulation).
u-he Diva v1.4.4.9603 – conveys the spirit of various analog synthesizers, allowing the user to select many alternative modules. Diva’s Oscillators, Filters, and Envelopes are simulated copies of the components of past analogue synthesizers. Modules can be mixed and matched to create hybrids, but what really sets U-he Diva apart from other synthesizers is the clean, genuine analog sound. Such sounding is possible only with a rather high load of the central processor, but according to the developers from U-he it is worth it. Diva is the first virtual synthesizer to use real-time electronic circuit simulator techniques such as PSpice. The behavior of filters with zero feedback delay clearly demonstrates the benefits of this grandiose approach. DiVA is a monster in the world of virtual synthesizers, a real challenge to analog devices.
u-he FilterscapeVA v1.4.1.3898 – VA Sound mangling and filtering
u-he Hive v2.0.1.9603 – lightweight synthesizer, heavy sound. Sleek, streamlined and super fast.
Hive was built for speed. Easy workflow, low CPU usage and a single page interface mean you can quickly create your tracks. Being “quick and easy” does not mean sacrificing sound quality or creative control. Hive is packed with features, controls and enough flexibility to create awesome sounds.
With a simple workflow and low CPU utilization, you can create stunning patches almost instantly. Hive 2 is fast and simple, without compromising on flexibility or sound quality. Version 2, filled with more controls than ever, opens up new possibilities for creative expression.
u-he Repro v1.1.1.9603 – plunges into the past for analog inspiration, reverently modeling a classic synthesizer. Every detail of the original was captured using component-level simulation technology to create the most authentic model possible. All the finest specifications found in the original are present in Repro-1.
u-he Zebra2 v2.9.0.9436 – A powerful modular synthesizer that combines various types of synthesis with powerful modulation mechanisms. Using this tool, you can create any waveform that you like, apply an extensive set of spectral effects to it, or pass through existing filters. The possibilities are virtually endless, it’s like a playground, only for sound engineers. Computer Music Magazine nominated the top 10 VST Synthesizers in 2011, of which Zebra 2 won an honorable first place!