Year / Release Date: build – 04/02/2018, manufacturer – 2013 – 2017
Version: see description
Developer: TSE Audio
Developer site:
Format: VST, AAX
Digit capacity: x86, x64
Tablet: Key for TSE Audio X50 2.4.6
System requirements: Windows 7 and higher.
Audio DSP – TSE Audio, comprising:
TSE Audio X50 2.4.6 (also AAX) – a chain of guitar effects, consisting of:
– Pre-effects (gate, TSE808, R47, Pandora’s Box, Phaser);
– preamps:
– x50 – emulation of a high-gain tube amp Peavey 5150+ guitar amp;
– x30 – emulation of high-gain lamp amplifier ENGL E530 Modern Rock;
– vertex from x50, x30;
– a block of two cabinets with a collection of pulses;
– post effects (tuner, two delays, spring reverb, equalizer).
TSE Audio 808 2.0.1 – tube screamer overdrive pedal emulation
TSE Audio BOD 3.0.0 (also AAX) – bass preamp pedal emulation
TSE Audio BOD 2.1.0 (also AAX) – bass preamp pedal emulation
TSE Audio R47 1.0.1 – pedal emulation rodent rat overdrive
TSE Audio X30 1.6 (x86 only) – ENGL E530 Modern Rock Hi-Gain Tube Amplifier Emulation
TSE Audio X50 1.0 – Emulation of a high-gain tube amp Peavey 5150+ guitar amp
TSE Audio X40 0.6 – emulation of a high-gain tube amp Peavey 5150 guitar amp
Nick Crow Lab Amp Pack 2013
Nick Crow Tube Driver 1.3
Nick Crow 8505 Lead 1.2
Nick Crow 7170 Lead 1.2
Nick Crow Wagner Sharp 1.0
Poulin Amp Pack 2013
LePou LeCto
LePou HyBrit
LePou LeGion
LePou Le456
LePou LeXtac
Short description:
A) SAVING THE WORK, delete the folders remaining from the previous installations;
B) run the command file for creating symlinks (Windows Junction Points) – SymLink Installer.cmd;
C) start DAW by setting the path * of scanning of VST2 plug-ins, scan for new plug-ins, launch them and (if required) register them.
* For x86 VST2 – C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins. For x64 VST2 – C: Program Files VstPlugins.
Sponsored Links
– Yes. Only for TSE Audio X50 2.4.6.
– How is the registration of this software?
Open TSE Audio X50 2.4.6 in DAW, close the activation window,
click on the CONFIG button in the lower right part of the plug-in window,
select License Activation => Offline Activation opposite the LICENSE field specify open the file
.. INFO ONLY TSE X50 v2.4.6 [email protected]
And in the field E-MAIL enter:
[email protected]
During the registration process files will be created by the template:
c: Windows Prefetch * TSE * .pf
It is recommended to block the DAW firewall
(and DAW breeches, if any, such as in FL
FL Studio 12 System Tools Bridge 32bit ilbridgemgr.exe
FL Studio 12 System Tools Bridge 32bit ilbridge.exe
Image-Line FL Studio 12 System Tools Bridge 64bit ilbridge.exe).
Registration Animation: