Spitfire Audio – Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.1.0 – UPDATE (KONTAKT)

By | July 29, 2024


Publisher: Spitfire Audio
Website: Spitfire Symphony Orchestra
Format: KONTAKT (7.5.2+)
Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description: Update for the Spitfire Symphony Orchestra library

Changes in version 1.1.0 :
v1.1 (July 2024)
FIX: PB-5622 – Solo Horn All techniques had duplicate articulations for rip/fall/flutter,
FIX: PB-5631 PB-5632 – Fixed UACC issues in various patches,
FIX: PB-5628 – Some percussion playing rolls at high velocity with option turned off,
FIX: PB-5630 – Bass Trombones a2 inconsistent mapping of rip/fall speed to CC16. Now on mod wheel,
FIX: PB-5758 – Contrabass Solo Tuba – Tenuto B0 & C1 short releases are a semitone above the note,
FIX: PB-5632 – UACC description for “Generic Legato” fixed,
FIX: PB-5690 PB-5664 – Missing variation and release sliders on various percussive patches,
FIX: PB-5749 – UI issue with stereo panner fixed,
FIX: UACC help text underneath articulation icon updates on keyswitching option change,
FIX: Sul C/G now show articulation icon instead of guide text,
FIX: ‘Now active’ when overlaying multiple articulations updates correctly,
FIX: Performance legato issues fixed,
CHANGE: Tweak to UI layout for UACC labeling (underneath articulation name),
CHANGE: Various Performance legatos tweaked or improved,
ADDED: Tenor Trombone Total Performance patch added with playing guide,
ADDED: NEW Oboe Solo Principal Total Performance patch added with playing guide

Patches with important/major changes:
Tenor Trombone Solo – Total Performance.nki (New Total performance)
Oboe Principal – Total Performance.nki (New Total performance)
Tuned – Marimba.nki (Release issue with rolls fix)
Patches with less important changes:
Drums – High.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Drums – Low.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Ensembles – Contemporary.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Ensembles – Low Ensemble.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Ensembles – Traditional Orchestra.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Other – Toys.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Percussion – Other – Toys – Tambourines.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Bass Trombones a2 – All techniques (Rip and Fall speed moved to mod wheel)
Brass – Bass Trombones a2 – Fall.nki (change length now with mod wheel)
Brass – Bass Trombones a2 – Rip.nki ​​(change length now with mod wheel)
Horn Solo – All techniques.nki (duplicate Rip/Fall/Flutter removed)
Contrabass Solo Tuba (Tenuto tuning fix)
Brass Contrabass Solo Tuba – Short Tenuto (Tenuto tuning fix)
Bass Trombones a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Horns a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Tenor Trombones a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Trumpets a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Tuba Solo – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Celli – Sul C – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)
Violas – Sul C – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)
Violins 1 – Sul G – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)
Violins 2 – Sul G – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)

v1.0.2 (March 2024)
HOTFIX: UI NKC included to reduce likelihood of graphical/programming issues when updating

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