By | October 11, 2022


Publisher: Soundspot
Website: soundspot
Format: Soundspot – UNION, MiDi, WAV
Quality: 32 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : After the very successful launch of the new powerful synth module Union, many of you wondered: “When will additional banks of presets be available?” Well, we are happy to announce that here is the very first bank of expansions created by the talented producer Demis Hellen.
The Leads 1 Expansion Pack makes full use of all the features of Union’s unique audio engine and is influenced by Flume to Billie Eilish, giving you great presets to create your next electronic hit.
All presets have been carefully crafted so you can load them directly into your project and keep your creativity flowing to the fullest, and with some of the presets using 32 voices in unison, emitting a rich, deep and vibrant sound, you can create the perfect soundscape.
The bank covers several genres and styles: trance, house, trap, future bass and many others, so you will definitely start working on your next project right away.
This collection of sounds has it all, from fat, rich, and lush to powerful, powered, and fast-paced leads.
64 x Lead Presets | 64 x Midi Melodies | 64 x Audio Stems (royalty free)

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