Rhythmic Robot Audio – Synthesizer 2000 (KONTAKT)

By | February 4, 2018


A neat little monophonic synthesizer SH-2000 was in some ways a fairly limited machine built around a single oscillator plus a moderately noise-canceling filter circuit. The editing was very simple: a series of 30 colorful pedals along the front edge of the instrument activated built-in presets, and a small panel to the left of the keyboard offered an elementary control over things like filter modulation, wow, “growl”, and portamento. Pressing them in real time, while playing the keyboard, could give some surprisingly cool effects.
Although this synthesizer was never going to overthrow System 100 from the pedestal, the SH-2000 was pretty well appreciated in terms of raw sound. He has interesting possibilities in the form of a generator of random notes and completely bizarre presets along with the usual (violin, tuba, horn).
Our instrument will behave and sound about the same as the original: a single oscillator, mono, a choice of presets. But why do it, when you can fold three presets, adjust them, correctly adjust the envelopes, and then play it all polyphonic? With this little monosynthesizer, things really come to life when you add up waves and take a chord or two. All small analog bumps work in their magic, and everything sounds fine and rich. In fact, you can even get pretty cool experimental tones from this!


Publisher : Rhythmic Robot Audio
Website : Rhythmic Robot
Format : KONTAKT 4.2.3+



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One thought on “Rhythmic Robot Audio – Synthesizer 2000 (KONTAKT)

  1. Adam

    I love the Rhythmic Robot stuff. They sample vintage synths and beat machines and other odd machines that are hard to find. I could assemble a killer track using all rhythmic robot samples. Give their stuff a try. It’s very professionally done and has great value. Throw them some love when you have the cash. They deserve it. Some things they sample may be the last chance the human race has to sample something. Really unique and wonderful stuff. Keep creating music, my friends.


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