BIAS FX 1.5.8 – simulation of the full chain of guitar effects;
BIAS AMP 1.5.2 – Simulation of a tube amplifier exclusively, detailed by numerous tuning bodies;
BIAS Pedal 2.3.0 – modeling exclusively three classes of guitar effect pedals: distortion; delay; modulator, detailed by numerous adjustment organs.
“3 Method used NO INSTALL “
Although below is a long description, the essence is simple:
A) PRESERVATION, delete some folders, possibly remaining from previous installations;
B) run the symlink command file – SymLink Installer.cmd;
C) specify in DAW the path of scanning VST2 plug-ins (C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins),
D) run DAW, scan for new plug-ins, run them and (if required) register.
Method used : Automatic MKLINK VST.cmd or SymLink Installer (must run administrator privilege)

click right mouse choose “view image” for enlarge image
Method used : COPY PASTE Program Files, Program Data, and UsersApp DataRoaming (must show hidden files)

click right mouse choose “view image” for enlarge image
Method used : COPY PASTE Program Files and Program Data directly to C
================================================== ==============================
Note for Edit SymLink Installer and ProTools :
================================================== ==============================
* To ensure the functionality of SymLink Installer,
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[[[How can I change the paths to VST2 in the SymLink Installer?]]]
This tutor use if you have specify path for scanning VST plugins difference from standard C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins , Example C: Program Files Steinberg VstPlugins VstPlugins
Edit the paths for creating symbolic links in CMD files,
For example, in the x64 Windows MKLINK.cmd file, replace the lines (using any text editor) :
cmd / c mkdir “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% VstPlugins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% VstPlugins XILS-lab x64” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x64”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% VstPlugins XILS-lab x86” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x86”
for example, like this:
cmd / c mkdir “% PROGRAMFILES% Steinberg VstPlugins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES% Steinberg VstPlugins XILS-lab” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x64”
cmd / c mkdir “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% Steinberg VstPlugins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% Steinberg VstPlugins XILS-lab” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x86”
cmd / c mklink / j “Receiver” “Source”
– the command to create a symbolic link for the source “Source” in the receiver “Receiver”,
Similar changes should be made in the uninstaller file – x64 Windows MKLINK DELETE.cmd.
================================================== ==============================
[[[Unlock copying of ProTools files]]]
To unlock copies of ProTools files, delete the “REM” or “-” characters in the file x64 Windows MKLINK VST.cmd before commands like this:
REM cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins”
REM cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6.aaxplugin” “% ~ dp0C Program Files Common Files Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6 .aaxplugin “
REM cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins”
REM cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) Common Files Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves”
cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6.aaxplugin” “% ~ dp0C Program Files Common Files Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6. aaxplugin “
cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) Common Files Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves”
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– Is it necessary to register this software?
– Yes.
.. R2R Positive_Grid_Hosts_Block_KeyGen.cmd – blocks the spying of the manufacturer’s site, blocks hostile sites R2R to launch keygen and launches keygen.
In the appeared window of the launched keygen (PositiveGrid_KeyGen.exe):
– Select Positive Grid BIAS AMP Professional, click Reg by MachineID;
– Select Positive Grid BIAS FX Professional, click Reg by MachineID;
– Select Positive Grid BIAS Pedal, click Reg by MachineID.
Registration in the registry is provided by running (depending on the version of Windows) the corresponding registry file:
.. REG 32bit Windows PositiveGrid BIAS.reg
.. REG 64bit Windows PositiveGrid BIAS.reg
REGISTRATION in the registry is provided by running (depending on the Windows version) the corresponding registry file:
.. REG 32bit Windows PositiveGrid BIAS UnReg.reg
.. REG 64bit Windows PositiveGrid BIAS UnReg.reg
Year / Release Date: assembly – 08/11/2017, manufacturer – 2017
Version: see description
Developer: Positive Grid
Developer’s site:
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka: Keigen
System requirements: Windows 7 and higher.
How can we delete registration key of this crack ?