Publisher: Paulius Monkevicius
Website: adsrsounds.com
Quality: 24 bit | 44.1 kHz | stereo
Description: A set of presets for Massive.
Content :
300 presets :
Bass – 67
Drums – 32,
Fx – 28,
keys – 99,
Leads – 40,
Pads – 52,
Perc – 1.
Additional Information :
Techno, House, Ambient, Dub you name them, Cursed Troubadour Box for NI Massive does them, That’s basically it.
All presets have all 8 macro knobs assigned giving you an immense amount of possibilities to hone in and shape your sound.
There are 300 presets in total, 100 of them are variations, variations not only do sound different but also have macro knobs assigned to them independently from a version it’s derived, like for every preset in this set, all macro knobs are assigned for each independently thus you can get a wide range of sounds and possibilities with every preset.
E.g., some pads can be tweaked into keys using macro knobs and wise versa, so you’re getting a unique sound.