Year of issue: 2021
Version: 1.0.0
Developer: Oversampled
Developer site: plugins oversampled
Platform: Intel only
Interface language: English
Tablet: cured (put and work) | FLARE
System requirements: macOS 10.11+
VST, VST3 or AU compatible DAW
Description: Multiband transient shaper.
Pancz is an audio plugin equipped with a powerful multiband transient shaper, clipping tool, accurate waveform analyzer and additional tone manipulation effects. It uses sophisticated audio processing to directly control the shape of the sound. With an easy-to-use waveform window and cut-off lines, you can visually manipulate the sound, making it look and sound just the way you want it. Additional sets of controls bring your sounds to life, making them polished and professional.
Pancz is equipped with a carefully selected combination of instruments: multiband transient shaper, soft clipper / limiter, waveform analyzer and additional tone manipulation effects. All the elements work great together, giving you control you never had.
Pancz can create punchy transients, making your sounds stronger and pushing the mix easier. It also works the other way around. It can make loud and annoying transients less audible and more controllable.