Publisher : Origin Sound
Website : producerloops.com
Format : WAV
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
Description : Origin Sound’s Afro Soul: Island Inspired Dancehall is torn from bumps that bridge the gap between Soulection’s refined vibrations and breathtaking spiritual masterpieces. Unzip the packaging and take a look inside at the exquisite wonders at Afro Soul.
Afro Soul is the perfect package to help you make your next big soulful track. If you need melodic inspiration, samples for vocals or drum parts to add a little beat, we will support you.
67 drum hits
40 drum loops
15 bass loops
16 chord loops
19 Melodic loops
18 song starter loops
15,808 hits
20 SFX
Tempos – 95 <> 110 BPM