Maxon – Cinema 4D 2025.1.0 [WIN x64]

By | March 9, 2025


Year/Release Date : 12/5/2024
Version : 2025.1.0
Developer : Maxon
Developer’s Website :
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : Multilingual (Russian is missing)
Tablet : present
System requirements :
16GB RAM, 24GB or more recommended
64-bit Intel processor or 64-bit AMD processor with AVX2 support
Windows 11, Windows 10 (20H2 or higher)

  • 724.3 MB

Description :
Cinema 4D is a professional software solution for 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset makes 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for design, motion graphics, visual effects, AR/MR/VR, game development and all types of visualization professionals. Cinema 4D delivers stunning results, whether you work alone or in a team.
Easy to learn and extremely powerful: Cinema 4D is the ideal package for all 3D artists who want to achieve stunning results quickly and easily. Beginners and seasoned professionals alike can take advantage of Cinema 4D’s wide range of tools and features to quickly achieve stunning results. Cinema 4D’s legendary reliability makes it an excellent application for the demanding and rapidly changing 3D industry.

Additional information :
(Update for version C4D 2025.0.2, installed as usual according to the instructions, everything works, please read the instructions carefully to the end.. nothing needs to be deleted, it will update itself. Redshift is not included)

Important Notes :
By default, Cinema 4D 2025.1 will install into the “Maxon Cinema 4D 2025” folder and replace any installation already there. This is intentional to minimize the number of builds users need to manage, minimize settings and plugin migration, reduce overall disk usage, and help ensure you’re always running the latest version. Of course, you can customize the installation path if you want to keep each dot release separate. If you need a previous version installer, visit the downloads page here.
System requirements remain the same as Cinema 4D 2025.0. This release will include Redshift 2025.2 – older versions are compatible, but will not include the Redshift integration and performance improvements.

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