MAGIX – VariVerb II 2.008 (VST) [Win x86 x64]

By | March 24, 2025


Year / Release Date : 05.2019
Version : 2.008
Developer : MAGIX
Developer site : magix
Format : VST
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : VST host

Description : VARIVERB II HIGH-CURRENT REVERB Create a reverb exactly the way you want it. VariVerb 2 creates different types of reverberation based on algorithmic calculations without using impulse response. Create classic, modern or artificial reverb effects with different parameters, such as room, plate, spring and non-linear reverb, using this high-quality plug-in.

Release note

* The MAGIX VST plugins by VR has flaw in crack / installer. Some does not
process audio,
* Completely removed Protein protection dependency. Our release keeps
plugin folder simple and clean.
We hope we did it right: 9

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