DMG Audio Compassion 1.16
DMG Audio Dualism 1.06
DMG Audio EQuality 1.30
DMG Audio EQuick 1.12
DMG Audio EQuilibrium 1.55
DMG Audio Essence 1.04
DMG Audio Expurgate 1.02
DMG Audio Limitless 1.05
DMG Audio PitchFunk 1.12
Dynamic processors:
Compassion is a unique generalization of the compressor concept, a visually interactive, flexible dynamic processor, with a large number of parameter settings of the algorithm not available in any other compressor.
Essence is a visually interactive compressor with a sidechain chain, in particular a de-esser.
Expurgate is a visually interactive gateway with a sidechain chain.
Limitless is a unique generalization of the limiter concept, visually interactive,
consisting of: single / multi-band compressor-limiter (with adjustable gain of crossover bands) and terminal clipper for mastering.
EQuality is a visual-interactive equalizer.
EQuick is a visual-interactive equalizer.
EQuilibrium is an advanced visual-interactive equalizer.
Dualism – measuring complex visualization of audio signal characteristics
(relative amplitude (PPM dBFS), energy (RMS dBFS), dynamic range (crest factor), instantaneous and temporal frequency response, stereo-frequency response, energy (RMS) frequency response, stereopoly distribution, correlation and phase of stereo signal, volume (LUFS)) .
Creative processing:
PitchFunk – creative gain, pitch, delay, filter controlled by three visually adjustable cyclic envelopes.
In particular, providing an imitation of the sidechain effect.
Package audio DSP, DMG Track Range 1.1.0, consisting of:
TrackComp – 1.01
TrackControl – 1.00
TrackDS – 1.00
TrackGate – 1.00
TrackLimit – 1.00
TrackMeter – 1.00
“3 Method used NO INSTALL “
Although below is a long description, the essence is simple:
A) PRESERVATION, delete some folders, possibly remaining from previous installations;
B) run the symlink command file – SymLink Installer.cmd;
C) specify in DAW the path of scanning VST2 plug-ins (C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins),
D) run DAW, scan for new plug-ins, run them and (if required) register.
Method used : Automatic MKLINK VST.cmd or SymLink Installer (must run administrator privilege)

click right mouse choose “view image” for enlarge image
Method used : COPY PASTE Program Files, Program Data, and UsersApp DataRoaming (must show hidden files)

click right mouse choose “view image” for enlarge image
Method used : COPY PASTE Program Files and Program Data directly to C
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Note for Edit SymLink Installer and ProTools :
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* To ensure the functionality of SymLink Installer,
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[[[How can I change the paths to VST2 in the SymLink Installer?]]]
This tutor use if you have specify path for scanning VST plugins difference from standard C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins , Example C: Program Files Steinberg VstPlugins VstPlugins
Edit the paths for creating symbolic links in CMD files,
For example, in the x64 Windows MKLINK.cmd file, replace the lines (using any text editor) :
cmd / c mkdir “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% VstPlugins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% VstPlugins XILS-lab x64” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x64”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% VstPlugins XILS-lab x86” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x86”
for example, like this:
cmd / c mkdir “% PROGRAMFILES% Steinberg VstPlugins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES% Steinberg VstPlugins XILS-lab” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x64”
cmd / c mkdir “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% Steinberg VstPlugins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% PROGRAMFILES (x86)% Steinberg VstPlugins XILS-lab” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) VstPlugins XILS-lab x86”
cmd / c mklink / j “Receiver” “Source”
– the command to create a symbolic link for the source “Source” in the receiver “Receiver”,
Similar changes should be made in the uninstaller file – x64 Windows MKLINK DELETE.cmd.
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[[[Unlock copying of ProTools files]]]
To unlock copies of ProTools files, delete the “REM” or “-” characters in the file x64 Windows MKLINK VST.cmd before commands like this:
REM cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins”
REM cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6.aaxplugin” “% ~ dp0C Program Files Common Files Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6 .aaxplugin “
REM cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins”
REM cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) Common Files Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves”
cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES% Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6.aaxplugin” “% ~ dp0C Program Files Common Files Avid Audio Plug-Ins WaveShell-AAX 9.6. aaxplugin “
cmd / c mkdir “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins”
cmd / c mklink / j “% COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86)% Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves” “% ~ dp0C Program Files (x86) Common Files Digidesign DAE Plug-Ins Waves”
Year / Release Date: assembly – Nov 10, 2017, manufacturer – 2016 – 2017
Version: see description
Developer: DMG Audio
Developer’s site:
Format: VST, VST3, AAX * (* AudioUTOPIA ProTools), RTAS
Digit: x86, x64
Tabletka: Cured
System requirements: Windows 7 and higher.
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