Year/Date of Release : 01/17/24
Developer : Cytomic.
Developer’s website : Cytomic
Format : VST, VST3, AAX.
Bit capacity : 64bit
Tablet : Available [R2R]
System requirements : WIN 7+
Description :
The Glue is an analog simulated compressor based on the classic
80s British compressor for large consoles with some handy extra features.
Compressor action is smooth and transparent because it uses the same high-quality algorithms
found in circuit simulators, but optimized for fast operation.
In addition to the usual compressor controls, it has: Mix/Range/Sidechain High Pass knobs,
support for external Sidechain, Peak Clip and Advanced Oversampling.
Installation/Registration :
Uninstall previous versions.
Install the plugin(s).
Launch the plugin and start offline authorization.
Copy the call code.
Run our keygen.
Enter your name and insert the call code.
Generate a *.txt response file.
Drag and drop the response file into the GUI.
Log in and enjoy!