Advanced workmanship and painting programming trusted by proficient specialists. Extend your aesthetic abilities utilizing an amazing accumulation of the world’s most sensible computerized Natural-Media®. Finish regular, proficient outcomes with Painter® 2018 that will have individuals asking – Is it genuine paint or is it Painter?
Highlights –
Advanced workmanship and painting programming
– New Thick Paint
– New Cloning Capabilities
– New Texture Synthesis
– New 2.5D Texture Brushes
– New Natural-Media brushes
A characteristic change
Specialty your craft with painting programming that easily obscures the lines amongst simple and computerized.
Selective media
Make remarkable workmanship with other-common media sorts that lone advanced craftsmanship programming can convey.
Exceptional sythesis
Paint a gem with culminate symmetry and point of view utilizing worked in structure instruments.
Adaptable and gainful
Custom brushes and palettes, and the capacity to import content from others or make your own.
Backings mainstream equipment and programming
- Total size 420.7 MB