Year / Release Date : 6/12/2019
Version : 6.01
Developer : Cockos
Developer’s site : Cockos
Bit : 32bit, 64bit
Interface language : English + Russian
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
Description : Cockos Reaper is one of the most advanced programs for creating music, both in the studio and at home. The main “trick” of the program is that it has pattern, keyboard and audio editing. You can specify an unlimited number of audio or midi tracks, not counting how many virtual instruments of the VST format can be added.
Reaper takes up not so much space on the hard drive and does not load the processor, like programs from the FL Studio, Cubase, Reason or Sonar series. With this program you can work even on low-power computers with sound cards that do not support Full duplex operating modes. Although, if the sound card supports this mode, you will get unlimited opportunities to create your own compositions with professional sound even in formats such as 5 + 1, and with additional plug-ins, even 7 + 1.
Key features:
• Unlimited creation and playback of audio and MIDI tracks.
• Ability to run the program from removable media.
• 64-bit audio engine program.
• Small distribution size and high performance.
• Compatible with multi-core processors and multi-processor systems.
• Direct recording to multiple tracks in a variety of formats, including WAV, OGG, MIDI, FLAC, etc.
• Supports a wide range of hardware.
• Supports VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects and instruments.
• Many built-in tools and effects.
What’s New 6.01:
Accessibility: fix Windows IAccessible support for TCP / MCP
Accessibility: fix alt-key to access menus / close app from TCP / MCP
Accessibility: add action to view routing and I / O for master track
Arrange: optimize drawing of offline / forced offline text on small items •
MIDI editor: fix macOS Metal Retina rendering glitch when nav lane is visible and resized
MIDI editor: support CC envelopes for CC64 •
MIDI playback: fix CC interpolation in certain cases •
Media items: fix issues with very fast vertical mouse-moves of items on multiple tracks
Mixer: fix mouse-away detection •
Mixer: fix very-large-size display bug •
ReaScript IDE: add checkbox to disable state watchlist
ReaScript IDE: do not run watch window continuously after script has stopped running
ReaScript IDE: reduce watch update frequency
ReaScript: support get / setting media item auto-stretch timebase
ReaSurround: improve multimonitor HiDPI issues on Windows
ReaVerb: enable ZL / LL by default for better low-latency performance
Theme: fix slight incorrect meter expansion
Tooltips: improve item volume tooltip at very low values •
MIDI editor
display and edit CC / velocity as dots and lines, CCs as linear and curved envelopes, similar to track envelopes
add note-type buttons to default toolbar
add option to display note length in velocity lane
add option to move bank / program change events with notes
add preference to automatically reduce CC events when drawing
combine note properties and event properties into one modeless dialog
add mouse modifiers to reset CC / velocity to default values
make default CC event and CC lane mouse modifiers more like default envelope behaviors
repopulate raw MIDI data display window when switching active media item
new Default 6.0 theme with theme adjuster script allowing for extensive customization of the new default theme
layout DPI translation for HiDPI / Retina displays
apply main window size area theme element only on mouseover
improve theme rendering appearance when using custom UI scaling
apply advanced preference UI scaling changes immediately
replace tcp.dragdropchild with tcp.dragdropinfo [indent_sibling_track indent_child_track]
add additional 8 WALTER font slots
add support for midi_score_colormap, in addition to midi_note_colormap
Media items
add new “Beats (auto-stretch at tempo changes)” timebase
add action to add stretch markers at project tempo changes
add action to recalculate automatic stretch markers at project tempo changes
add action to convert embedded source media transient information to transient guides
optionally create transient guides on import for media with embedded transient information
support calculating playback rate from user-supplied tempo or length in beats
when copy / pasting items with stretch markers, preserve the original play rate
add MIDI_GetCCShape, MIDI_SetCCShape
add support for CC shapes to MIDI_Get (Set) AllEvts
add support for setting track playback offset value and attributes
add support for user-defined note and track notation data that is not displayed
fix setting MIDI meta-messages via API
add reduce_open_files () utility function for users running up against open file handle limitations
allow embedding some plug-in UIs into track and mixer control panels
support embedding UIs for ReaEQ, ReaXComp, ReaComp, ReaSurround, and graphical JSFX
add preference to display FX list on right side of FX chain window
add preference to display add / delete buttons above list in FX chain window
Retina display arrange, ruler, MIDI editor, etc
use Metal display output on 10.11+ for various windows
add options in Preferences / General / Advanced to disable Retina support, disable Retina for non-Retina theme elements
support REX files on macOS Catalina
work around appearance issues when user forces dark mode rendering for app (requires Metal to be enabled) •
include all options in “options and format” render presets
optionally embed transient information into WAV or AIFF files
support embedding tempo into AIFF files
support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render matrix •
when enabled, embed exact tempo of rendered item / time
enable live fx multiprocessing by default
enable track record monitoring on new tracks by default
set volume envelopes to fader scaling by default
Dynamic split
add preset support
overhaul and improvements to algorithm and gate handling
retain settings after canceling the window
Media import
properly adjust length of imported media with embedded tempo when crossing project tempo changes
support adjusting media based on tempo suggested by filename
Mouse modifiers
add double-click behaviors to reset CC value, curvature, edit properties
add preference to draw / edit CC events immediately on mouse click
auto-detect up to 128 threads
increase anticipative FX hard limit to 128 threads, live FX hard limit to 64 threads
remove old 4.x scheduler mode, non-event synchronization modes
improve performance and reduce system resource consumption with large track counts
add option in disk settings to periodically close excess open files
add option to read peaks files under a certain size completely to RAM (to reduce open file count)
added SSE2-optimized sinc calculation (from Theo Niessink)
optimize and greatly improve quality of resampling for conversion between common rates
actions to switch last focused toolbar will default to switching main toolbar
improve HiDPI / Retina support (toolbar_icons / can have 150 / and 200 / subdirs)
support positive or negative playback time offset without affecting PDC
add action to bypass track playback offset
add user preference for max MIDI playback speed to catch up to negative track playback offset
HiDPI awareness and display improvements (auto-rescale more UI when running HiDPI aware)
improve appearance of docker, ReaPlugs, and other windows when resizing
handle WAV and AIFF (Apple Loops) files containing transient information similarly to REX files
Main window
support positioning track control panels on right side of arrange
very lightly refresh main file / edit / view / insert menus
Modal windows
remember window positions (configurable option in preferences / general / advanced to tweak behavior)
Notation editor
support customized staff and note context menus
add context menu mode configuration
add option to ignore all embedded slice and tempo information
add track wiring view
support plugins that export MIDI note names