Audiority – Echoes T7E 1.2.0 (VST, AAX, AU) [WIN.OSX x86 x64]

By | January 6, 2019


Year / Release Date : 10.2018
Version : 1.2.0
Developer : Audiority
Developer website : Audiority
Format : VST, AAX *, AU (* PT from audioUTOPIA)
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows XP SP3 or later, OSX 10.7.5 or later, Intel i3 or higher, 2GB RAM

Description : Echoes T7E is an accurate model of vintage tube magnetic echo created in Italy in the early 60s.
This echo effect block is based on a magnetic rotating drum, in which both the recording and reproducing heads are located around the recording wire-telegraph wound around the circumference of the drum. This solution provides better stability with conventional belt pulling.
Since the main “core” of this effect is based on the above mechanism, we modeled both mechanics and electronics. Echoes T7E also provides 3 different playback modes, allowing you to set different rotation speeds or synchronize them with your host tempo, increasing the initial delay time from ~ 310 ms to ~ 1100 ms.

Analog Modeled Vintge Tube Echo
3 Playback Modes: Classic, Varispeed and Sync
4 Playback Heads (equally spaced)
EM81 “Magic Eye” Tube Level Indicator
3 Echo Modes: Echo, Repeat and Swell
12 Heads combinations
Tone, Error and Volume controls for each head
Magnetic Drum Age and Speed ​​settings
Internal hum noise (for increased realism and self oscillation)

New in version:

v1.2 (October 2018)
– FIX: Wrong feedback strength
– NEW: Heads Pan Law setting
– Breaking Change:
v1.1 had a wrong feedback from the new panning feature.
If you started a new project with v1.1, please open the Extra Settings panel,
set the Pan Law as Pan -3dB and re-save your preset
v1.1 (September 2018)
– FIX: Buttons not automating
– FIX: Output volume still too low
– NEW: Framework update with new paths
– NEW: Drum Stop as parameter
– NEW: Stereo Spread
– NEW: Panning for each head
– NEW: Input Tube Low Cut

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