Release Year : 2019
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer’s site : arturia
Platform : Intel only
Interface language : English
Tablet : Present (Replacement Files)
System requirements : 10.11+: 4 GB RAM; 2.5 GHz CPU.
1GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Description : The iconic vintage sound of the best studios in the world, perfectly recreated for a modern manufacturer. A subtle nuance and tonal aroma added to a vintage preamp can have an amazing overall effect on the music you create. For many years, top manufacturers have coveted the sound of the venerable 1073 preamp. Now – through TAE Arturia’s advanced modeling power – you too can taste this harmonious rich, classic tone in your DAW.
Release note
Simpler crack = faster loading time compared to Hexwars release
It’s an early Christmas for Mac users! I spent 50 plus man hours reversing these Arturia plugins, much more if we don’t count just this past week. It was by far the most requested in my PMs despite me owning legit V collection 7. A huge amount of work goes into this and the measly 2-3 dollars I get from downloads makes it very difficult sometimes as I have to dedicate whole days to these things, 12 hours plus, and lose spending time working making music or spending time with my family so if you want to support me and allow me to continue to release more in the future please consider supporting me by buying a premium account through my referral links in the Support Me.txt file
Some notes about the plugins – testing in Ableton Live 10 some of the VST3 plugins crash when you delete them from a track, this is a problem for legit users too. VST and AU are not affected despite the AU wrapping the VST3 plugin – more reason to just switch to AU full time so you can use Live 10.1.4 too. AAX is working as it is wrapping the VST3 in Library / Arturia / PRODUCT NAME. Do not remove Arturia Software Center. Make sure to read instructions carefully – CASHMERE