Year/Release Date : 07.2024
Version :
Developer : Adobe
Developer’s Website : Adobe
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : Russian, English
Tablet : cured
- Operating system
Windows 10 (64-bit) V22H2 or later
- Processor
6th Generation Intel® Processors or later, or AMD Ryzen™ 1000 Series Processors or later
Enhanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2) support required
Note : Versions 24.0 cannot be installed on systems with 3rd generation or earlier Intel® processors (or on systems with earlier AMD processors).
- Memory
2GB video memory GPU
- Storage
8 GB of available hard disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Additional high-speed drive for media
- Display
- Sound card
With ASIO support or Microsoft Windows Driver Model
- Operating system
Description :
Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 is a professional program for non-linear video editing. The application provides high-quality editing of video resolution 4K and higher, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Editing audio samples, support for VST audio plug-ins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround sound tracks. The architecture of Premiere Pro plug-ins allows you to import and export materials from QuickTime or DirectShow containers, and also supports a huge number of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.
- Portable version from XpucT. Does not require installation.
- Treatment: carried out
- Interface language: Russian, English
Cut: - Tons of localizations
- Tons of references in all languages
- Tons of illustrations in all languages
- Creative Cloud Installation Files
- Welcome files (version introduction)
- Preset Textures and Presets
- Anti-piracy service
- Error Logging Service
- Report Generation Wizard
- Report Sending Wizard
- This version will not leave a single folder in your system or a key in the registry.
- Everything is stored in the directory where the program itself is located.
- You need to run the program as an administrator
- The program was written in C++ using Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. In order for the program to work on your computer, you also need to install/update these components, otherwise this program will not work for you.
How do you change to english?
I have used multiple keyboards and even a virtual keyboard and I’m still unable to pull up the user command with Ctrl+f12. I don’t understand what’s wrong or how to bring up the command to change the language.
I got it working!! A project had to be opened for Ctrl+f12 to work. Thanks!
doesnt work dont try it