Year / Release Date : 07/18/2019
Version : 1.8
Developer : Voxengo
Developer’s site : voxengo
Format : VST, VST3, AAX, AU
Bit : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows (32- and 64-bit Windows XP, Vista, 7 and later versions) and Mac OS X (10.5 and later versions, 32- and 64-bit, Intel processor-based) computers (2 GHz dual-core or faster processor with at least 1 GB of system RAM required).
Description : Deft Compressor has a characteristic “smooth” and inconspicuous compression with the effect of increasing the intelligibility of sound. This result is achieved due to the compressor time function resembling the S-curve (sigmoid curve) at the stage of attack and release. The S curve also helps the compressor sound warmer and cleaner on all settings.
While high attack values can be used to emphasize transients, low values such as 0.01 ms will smear the audio signal. Although the S-curve is a feature of the Deft Compressor, you can easily change the shape to a steeper one by setting the “Punch” parameter.
Features and Compatibility:
– adjustable time function of the S-curve;
– auto signal amplification (make-up gain);
– stereo and multi-channel processing;
oversampling up to 8x;
– Undo / redo action cancellation;
– all sample rates are supported;
– compression mode “Vintage”;
– external side chain;
– internal routing channel;
– 64-bit floating point operations;
– A / B comparison;
– processing with zero delay;
– compression mode “Feedback”;
– key signal filtering;
– grouping of channels;
– preset manager;
– pop-up contextual prompts.
New in Version :
Fixed a crash in Ableton 9.
Added Retina support on macOS, and automatic high-resolution UI size adjustment on Windows.
Up to 20% lower CPU usage on AVX2-capable processors.