Arturia – Comp FET-76 (VST, VST3, AU, AAX) [OSX]

By | March 8, 2025


Release Year : 2019
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer’s site : arturia
Platform : iNTEL
Interface language : English
Tablet : Present (Replacement Files)
System requirements : 10.11+: 4 GB RAM; 2.5 GHz CPU.
1GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Description : FET-76 is a compressor based on UREI 1176, famous for its versatility and quick attack. The original device was developed in the late 60s and was involved in the creation of many popular songs.
The phrase “industry standard” is often used in music production circles, but in reality only a few products match this ad. The original 1176 compressor, designed by Bill Putnam Sr., truly matches the name. Now – thanks to TAUR® technology from Arturia – you can enjoy its legendary tone shape thanks to the convenience of a software plug-in.
Produced in the late 60s, the original hardware compressor was the main product of all major studios. Each mix engineer required at least one per session, and they were used to produce countless hits from Michael Jackson to The Killers, from Guns n Roses to Joe Cocker, from Bruce Springsteen to Chaka Khan.
People often say that 1176 “just sounds better,” but how can this be repeated? Our engineers carefully analyzed and modeled each component, the nuances of electronics and artifacts in the data of the original D / E model to find and recreate it as software. The combination of a transistor, Class A amplifier and its unique design provide a subtle, but very desirable tone change even at very low compression levels. Twist the input, make a higher reishio, or even do it all together, and this FET magic will really come to life. We did not just create a software clone, we created a really modern compressor with updated functions, but with the same legendary sound.

Release note

It’s an early Christmas for Mac users! I spent 50 plus man hours reversing these Arturia plugins, much more if we don’t count just this past week. It was by far the most requested in my PMs despite me owning legit V collection 7.
Some notes about the plugins – testing in Ableton Live 10 some of the VST3 plugins crash when you delete them from a track, this is a problem for legit users too. VST and AU are not affected despite the AU wrapping the VST3 plugin – more reason to just switch to AU full time so you can use Live 10.1.4 too. AAX is working as it is wrapping the VST3 in Library / Arturia / PRODUCT NAME. Do not remove Arturia Software Center. Make sure to read instructions carefully – CASHMERE

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