Serato – Studio 1.0.0 [WiN x64]

By | March 22, 2025


Year / Release Date : 07.2019
Version : 1.0.0
Developer : Serato
Developer site : serato
Digit capacity : 64bit
Interface Language : English
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : Windows 7 with SP1 + \ i3: 1.07GHz + \ Memory 4 GB +

Description : New DAW from Serato, which is called the FL Studio killer.
The main goal of the new DAW from Serato is to turn DJs into producers. The creators say that they specifically designed the interface so that anyone unfamiliar with professional DAW people could quickly feel at ease. The interface, unlike Ableton Live, is simpler and more intuitive. At the same time, the power and capabilities of Serato Studio are not inferior to the usual programs. In other words, the workspace familiar to DJs has been transferred to the format of a workstation.
By itself, Serato Studio inherits many things from its DJ counterparts: mixer channels, effects, time-stretching, displaying elements in the interface. The program comes with the same set of content and library that Serato DJ customers receive. According to Nick McLaren, responsible for the development of Serato, the company specifically made the program very similar to the existing DJ software. This solution simplifies familiarity with the software and minimizes the study of user guides – DJs have more time for the music itself.
Among the interesting features of the new DAW are the Play In Key mode and the Make Beats feature. Play In Key fits all tracks to a given key so that everything sounds in the context of the track. The Make Beats function creates bits in a couple of clicks.
According to McLaren, research within the company has shown that DJs and musicians spend too much time on various aspects that are not related to the work itself. Instead of writing music, users twist the knobs, try to adjust the sample to the key, put drums into the mix. Taking up the development of Serato Studio, the company focused on enabling users to quickly and easily implement their ideas.
Serato Studio has adopted many elements from Serato Sample and Serato DJ: mixer, effects unit, timeouting, general logic, display of working tools, support for VST plug-ins.

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