MAGIX – CoreFX Suite 1.0.22 (VST) [WiN x86 x64]

By | March 24, 2025


Year / Release Date : 05.2019
Version : 1.0.22
Developer : MAGIX
Developer site : magix
Format : VST
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : Win Xp, 7, 8, 10
Processor: 1.4 GHz (recommended: 3 GHz)
RAM: 512 MB RAM (recommended: 1 GB RAM)
Graphics card: Onboard, minimum resolution 1024 x 768

Description : Set of 8 plug-ins previously included in ACID Pro Next Suite:
coreFX Chorus – The chorus effect is achieved with a slight delay and modulated pitch, which provides a doubling and beating effect, as well as a thicker and fuller sound.
coreFX Compressor
coreFX Delay – This is a simple but widely used effect, based on the original analog circuit, in which copies are created with a time delay of the original signal to create echoes.
coreFX Expander
coreFX Flanger – Create a classic sound when your original signal is mixed with slightly delayed copies to create distinctive sweep effects that are popular in many genres.
coreFX Gate
coreFX Limiter
coreFX TwoPointCompressor

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