Release Year : 2019
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer’s site : arturia
Platform : Intel only
Interface language : English
Tablet : Present (Replacement Files)
System requirements : 10.11+: 4 GB RAM; 2.5 GHz CPU.
1GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Description : For many decades, the concept of pop music has been synonymous with Trident Studios, a pioneer facility in the heart of London, in the Soho area.
Their customer list reads as who is who of the pop music: The Beatles, Elton John, David Bowie, The Bee Gees, Genesis, Frank Zappa, Joe Cocker, Kiss, Lou Reid, Peter Gabriel, Mark Almond, Soft Cell, Queen, Rolling Stones, Thin Lizzy, Tina Turner, T-Rex, and Yes.
At the center of the studio’s sound was the Trident Range console. It became so well known for its magnificent, musical equalizer and he conveyed a full, rich tone in the near future, studios around the world placed orders for a number of their own. Although only 13 were ever made, they created a legacy that continues to this day.
Now, thanks to Arturia’s groundbreaking True Analog Emulation® technology, you too can experience the incredible sonic Correction power of the legendary Trident band preamp and EQ.
Best of both worlds
Hold on … my audio interface already has preamps. Why do I need a preamp plugin?
You’re right! Your audio interface uses its preamps to boost incoming signals to a normal level for recording and mixing.
In the digital age, preamps included audio interfaces, usually high transparency, signal amplification without adding “color”, a kind of tonal aroma that subtly changes sound.
In the 60s and 70s, the period was considered by many to be the “golden age” of recording studios, the preamps within their order of mixing consoles – like the Trident in the range – were technology pioneers. The mix engineer found that because of their analog components, preamps would add a certain character to the sound that each table gave, and therefore every studio, to a specific “sound”. As engineers become experts with these consoles, they will use preamps as part of their creative process; pushing them hard to create a harmonic rich analogue of distortion, for example.
Now, thanks to the digital audio revolution and the power of modern computers, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Arturia TRIDA-Pre lets you add a cult tone to the elite, rare, almost unattainable preamps found in the studio, which created some of the biggest hits of all time.
Let’s add that “JE pa sais Quoi”
It is difficult for new manufacturers and mix engineers to know how important thin sound is. Corrective power. Preamplifiers, we are talking about something underestimated. This is not a flashy synth or extreme audio distorting plugin.
At their core, all of our plugin preamps provide 2 main benefits:
Reference to the past
There’s something completely magical to hear classical songs. If you let your mind drift, you are transported to a completely different time: different fashion, different politicians, different tastes, different lives. If you want to evoke a sense of the 70s or 80s when the Trident Range console was used on almost every hit chart, TRIDA-Pre makes it easy. In addition to the individual tracks in your song, you can add that fried, harmonious, rich sound that epitomized the era.
Mix of trust
Download TRIDA-Pre as an “insert” effect on the channel, type in the appropriate preset, and most of the hard work has been taken care of. You are now mixing with the sound of a classic analogue console with the settings on the top sound engineer. Now you are free to get creative, confident that you have half a century of the legendary pro audio heritage supporting you.
Ultimate sound shaper
TRIDA-Pre gives you all the power and capabilities of the legendary Trident range, and much more! Let’s see how this channel band elite translates as a plugin.
4 groups, twin channel equalizer
The fabulously musical EQ Range has been recreated in all its glory. High, high mids, low mids and low EQ bands have 4 switchable frequencies calibrated to fit the specifications of the original device. They can be reduced or increased by 15 dB, regardless of the left and right channels, or connected to each other. This gives you great freedom to shape your sound in stereo.
Low pass filter
Notch from the high end to 9kHz, 12kHz, 15kHz, or press the 2 or 3 switches to make a more dramatic chance, this will soften the high frequencies of your signal.
Input gain
From super-subtle overtones to a growling solid state drive, the Input Gain knob can be pressed to add whatever tonal flavor you want.
High pass filter
Cut super-low frequencies from your signal, with cuts placed at 25Hz, 50Hz, and 100Hz. Like the Low Pass, you can also combine 2 or 3 switches to enhance the effect.
Mid / Side Mode
Absent from the original A Range, TRIDA-Pre allows you to use advanced midrange / side methods without external processing or converters, that is, the audio will sound amazing in both mono and stereo.
Output Trim
Simple but always useful. The trim output signal allows you to adjust the “volume level” at the output without changing your tone.
Release note:
Simpler crack = faster loading time compared to Hexwars release
It’s an early Christmas for Mac users! I spent 50 plus man hours reversing these Arturia plugins, much more if we don’t count just this past week. It was by far the most requested in my PMs despite me owning legit V collection 7. A huge amount of work goes into this and the measly 2-3 dollars I get from downloads makes it very difficult sometimes as I have to dedicate whole days to these things, 12 hours plus, and lose spending time working making music or spending time with my family so if you want to support me and allow me to continue to release more in the future please consider supporting me by buying a premium account through my referral links in the Support Me.txt file
Some notes about the plugins – testing in Ableton Live 10 some of the VST3 plugins crash when you delete them from a track, this is a problem for legit users too. VST and AU are not affected despite the AU wrapping the VST3 plugin – more reason to just switch to AU full time so you can use Live 10.1.4 too. AAX is working as it is wrapping the VST3 in Library / Arturia / PRODUCT NAME. Do not remove Arturia Software Center. Make sure to read instructions carefully – CASHMERE