Category Archives: Aax

iZotope – RX3 Advanced 3.02.812 STANDALONE, VST, RTAS, AAX, DirectX x86 x64

By | December 6, 2015

Rescue your audio from the cutting room floor! With remedies for noise, clipping, hum, buzz, crackles, and more, RX 3 is the most robust and best-sounding audio repair toolkit on the market. Used everywhere from Hollywood post production studios to leading sound editing facilities, iZotope RXв„ў 3 transforms troubled recordings into professional-grade material. RX 3 Advanced extends the… Read More »

Native Instruments Bundle VST, RTAS, AAX x86 x64

By | December 5, 2015

Driver inspiring creative tool from the creator of MASSIVE, including a high-quality filter module and a severe distortion. Filter module is able to create a wide variety of effects, from ultra thin and incredibly rich. Section distortion can create everything from a light carbonation to complete destruction of the sound Guitar rig Universal Studio effects the next generation.… Read More »

PSPaudioware – PSP Neon HR 2.0.4 VST, RTAS, AAX Win.Mac x86 x64

By | December 5, 2015

PSP Neon is a fully featured linear phase equalizer that offers eight bands of equalization, each of which can be assigned one of seven filter types. It uses frequency-domain fast convolution based linear phase algorithms for the best balance between CPU efficiency and phase accuracy. For those who want to use the analog-modeled PSP Neon filters in even… Read More »

PSPaudioware – PSP X-Dither 1.0.0 VST, RTAS, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x86 x64

By | December 5, 2015

PSP X-Dither is a mastering dither and noise shaping processor (VST, RTAS and AAX for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, RTAS and AAX for Mac OS X). It is designed to cover wide range of situations when dithering or noise shaping is the way to maintain the quality of an original mix, group or individual track during various stages of… Read More »


By | December 3, 2015

UNVEIL: Award-Winning De-Reverberation & Signal Focusing UNVEIL solves an age-old audio engineering problem previously thought to be unsolvable: removing reverb from a recording. It uses a real-time de-mixing algorithm to separate reverb and direct signal components, and then allows cross-fading between the two. UNVEIL can also reduce or increase masking effects, bringing the key features of a recording into focus,… Read More »