Arturia – B-3 V, VSTi, VSTi3, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | June 23, 2018


Year / Date of Issue : 04.2018
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer’s site : Arturia
Bit depth : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : Win 7+ PC: 4 GB RAM; 2 GHz CPU.
8GB free hard disk space

Description : Body B-3 V is an emulation of the legendary electromechanical organ Hammond, created in 1935. As is known in all hamondov bodies, to create the vibrato effect, rotary horns were used on the built-in speakers. According to Arturia, they tried to accurately simulate this effect, which allowed to recreate the unique authentic sound of the body B-3.
In addition, in the program version of the tool, we tried to preserve the specific formation of the timbre of the hamond organs. Instead of saturating the spectrum of the second and third harmonics, the sound of the main tone was mixed with the fading sound of other tone wheels. Also, in the virtual B-3 V, a distinctive distinct attack, characteristic exclusively of electromechanical bodies, was recreated.
With regard to the emulation effect of Don Lessie’s systems, in B-3 it is possible to separately switch the rotation of the horns, adjust the rotation speed, change the acoustic design, and position the microphone. In addition, there is a convolution reverb with 20 presets based on the operation of a spring reverb with vintage amplifiers of that time.
Of the modern features, the software version of the body has received three additional modes, which allow to automate the changes in the positions of drawbar handles. Here, automation is provided for the envelope, LFO and in the step sequencer. In addition, some specific settings have been added, allowing you to adjust the attack and attenuation, spectrum saturation, click at attack and leakage currents.



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