FeelYourSound – MelodicFlow 1.1.0 (VST) [Win x86 x64]

By | July 29, 2018


Year / Date of Issue : 06.2018
Version : 1.1.0
Developer : FeelYourSound
Developer’s site : FeelYourSound
Format : VST
Bit depth : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : VST Host x86 x64

Description : Stop worrying about the wrong notes. Instead, concentrate on the melodic rhythms. Use MelodicFlow VSTi to quickly create and play stunning bass lines, arpeggios and melodies. You will never go wrong, since all your input data will be immediately assigned to the correct notes.
The only thing that makes you write songs : You know what chords you want to use in your song, but you do not have any ideas for melodies yet? Do you want to play it on the keyboard, but do you constantly choose the wrong notes during the game? You know exactly what your melodies should be and you know when they should play higher or lower, but it’s hard for you to shift it from the head to the program? MelodicFlow helps you compose and play melodies faster than ever before.
Here’s how it works : In fact, MelodicFlow VSTi will serve as a mediator between your keyboard and virtual instrument. When you press, for example, the white keys on the keyboard, MelodicFlow will convert your notes to the correct ones.


Follow these steps to start improvising melodies at once:
Connect MelodicFlow to another tool inside your DAW.
Direct the chord notes to the MelodicFlow on the lower octaves. In this way, the plug-in will know which harmonies will be used in your song.
Select one of the seven operating modes and select the key.
Now play on the white keys of the high octaves. Depending on the mode of operation, MelodicFlow automatically converts these keys into harmonic
Notes corresponding to your chords and the selected key.
There are also special black keys that will be useful for writing songs. For example, C # 6 will play all the notes of the current chord at the same time (see the manual).
Ideal for production : MelodicFlow will greatly accelerate your musical workflow. Just record your chords and select a key from the MelodicFlow menu. No more worrying about the wrong notes, you only need to draw melodic rhythms in your DAW.
The bass line should stick to your chords? Create a simple rhythm inside your DAW. MelodicFlow will take care of the rest.
Do you need to change your chords later? Replace them with new ones. Melodies, arpeggios and bass lines will match them.
Did you create a complicated melody on another track? Copy the melodic rhythm to the new track. Done.
In some DAWs, you can even create a “master chord track”. This track changes all notes of the chord to various MelodicFlow plug-ins. If you need to change your chords, you need to do this in only one place. Ideally, if you need to quickly create a bunch of tracks.


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Connection to DAWs

Ableton Live :

Bitwig : Add MelodicFlow to an instrument track. Then add another instrument to the same track (after MelodicFlow in the device chain).

Cubase : Add MelodicFlow to one track, and another instrument to a different track. From the Input Routing list on the instrument track, select MelodicFlow – MIDI Out. Turn on monitor input on the instrument track by clicking the monitor button.

FL Studio : Add MelodicFlow to a new channel. Click the Wrapping Settings button. Set Output port to 1 in the settings panel. Add another instrument to a different channel. Click the Wrapping Settings button. Set Input port to 1. You can use any port number you like, but the output and input port number must be the same.

Reaper : Add MelodicFlow to a track. Then add another instrument to the same track (after MelodicFlow in the device chain).
Sonar : Add MelodicFlow to a new instrument track. The “MIDI Output setting” must be checked in the “Insert Soft Synth Options” window. Then add another instrument to a second track, open the “Track Inspector” and set “MIDI Input” to “MelodicFlow -> MIDI Omni”. You also have to activate the “Input Echo” button on the second instrument track.

Studio One : Add MelodicFlow to one track (A) and another instrument to a different track (B). Click on the Instrument Input list of the B-track and select Melodic Flow (maybe you need to change the track height to make the instrument input box visible). Turn on input monitoring on track A and B (click on the Monitor button).

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