Black Rooster Audio – Plugin Pack 2.3.0 – NO INSTALL, SymLink Installer (VST, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | November 20, 2018


Year / Release Date : 10.2018
Developer : Black Rooster
Developer site :
Format : VST, AAX
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : Not Required
System requirements : Windows 7 and higher …

Description :
VPRE-73 : Inspired by one of the classic studio preamps.
CANARY : Transient processor. It can be useful when recording or mixing drums.
VLA-2A : 1962 LA-2A optoelectronic compressor emulation.
VLA-3A : Emulated 1969 Classic LA-3A Compressor.
Cypress TT-15 : Guitar Amplifier.
VHL-3C : Analog of the processor of the 1950th year HLF-3C.
VEQ-5 : Analogue of the Pultec MEQ-5 vintage equalizer.
BLUEFACE SC-5 : Emulation of the classic 1980 Ashly SC-50 Blueface Compressor compressor.
BLACKFACE SC-5 : Exactly modeled classic ultra-soft compressor.
Magnetite : This is our homage to tape recorders. Simply type in the required amount of saturation and warmth using the gain recording knob, and Magnetite adds the analog sound of the tape recorder you are looking for for your mixes.
VEQ-1P : Virtual simulator of the rare VEQ1P equalizer that allows you to manipulate the low and high end of the spectrum without harming the middle band.
Black Rooster Audio is pleased to present Edelweiss’72 , a highly dynamic mixing toolkit that allows surgical changes to any signal or mix, which may seem weak, in need of fine tuning or a decent finish. Where at the input stage you are able to expand the signal, which may be emphasized by excessive compression or needs a wider dynamic range, you can EQ your signals in 5 static bands with linear-phase filters in regular stereo or M / S mode.





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