The Foundry – MODO 12.0v1 Build 492947 [WiN x64]

By | June 17, 2022


Year of release: 2018
Version: 12.0v1 Build 492947t
Address of. Site: modo
Interface language: English
Treatment: Present
pic System requirements:
OS: Windows 7-10 (64-bit only)
Processor: Intel i3 or better
Disk size: 10GB for full installation with content
RAM: 4GB minimum
Video card: 1GB video memory and with support for OpenGL 3.2 or later.

MODO is a complete solution for design research, game content creation, character animation, and the production of high-quality advertising images.
Designed for artistic workflows, MODO makes it easy to achieve digital content creation and design.
Artists and designers are free to explore and focus on creative endeavors that maximize product quality in less time. pic

glTF 2.0 Export to Facebook
Developed in conjunction with Facebook’s new ‘3D Posts’ functionality, artists can now create 3D objects in Modo and then share them on the Facebook News Feed. Facebook users can then grab, spin and interact with the objects to look at them from all angles. This technology presents artists with a unique opportunity to create more engaging and compelling content, whilst offering users the opportunity to enjoy interactive 3D experiences on Facebook.
Mesh Paint Refinements
Modo’s Mesh Paint tool has been brought up-to-date and enhanced, allowing you to quickly bash out models and environments faster than ever before. With the ability to now paint random presets, you can utilize asset libraries in new and exciting ways, and the new array paint modes give you greater control when painting more ordered collections of objects.
MeshFusion Surface Strips
MeshFusion is significantly enhanced with Surface Strips, an innovative new feature that works by allowing the creation of strip geometry or topology that lies flush on any Fusion Item surface. This provides a wide range of opportunities for Post-Fusion modeling with either Procedural operations or direct modeling of the Fusion Output Mesh. The most obvious examples are channels and ridges along arbitrary paths—but the range of applications is much wider, allowing artists to explore iterations more creatively than ever before.
Modeling and Design Creation Enhancements
The Jitter tool has new options to randomize the position, scale and rotation of connected geometry within a single Item. It also works with connected selections, allowing you to quickly add subtle realism in situations where previously it would have been difficult. It’s now possible to model even faster in a single 3D viewport by moving objects towards you and away from you without having to interact directly with any transform handles. And a new tool handle has been added to the Vertex Slide tool, giving you greater control when tweaking the position of vertices in a mesh.
New Procedural Mesh Operations
A Triangulate MeshOp has been added, which lets you export triangulated models in a non- destructive manner. The Merge Mesh operator can now read replicator items as geometry inputs, allowing replicated geometry to be manipulated using procedural modeling tools, and providing an easy way to convert a replicator item into a single mesh item for export. It’s now possible to modulate the shape of an Item Falloff via the Mini Graph Editor, allowing for a much wider array of falloff effects when rigging or procedural modeling. The new Falloff Operator lets you drive Mesh Operation Falloffs via a range of scene and geometric parameters.
Cloud Assets and Foundry Share Site
Creating, sharing and downloading preset assets has been improved. Cloud Assets can now be dragged and dropped into the item tree or directly into the Modo viewport. Just want to download the assets and not apply them to your scene? Use the new download badge that appears in the upper left of the preset thumbnail. The process of preset creation has also been significantly streamlined. It’s now possible to create any preset type by simply dragging from it’s location in the UI into any preset browser.
UV Tools and Workflow Refinements
Modo’s fast and nimble workflows continue to be refined, with UI optimization and new toolbar menu options making it easier to manage 3rd party Modo Add-ons. The Modo Modes toolbar has been re-organized for more consistency, with a number of modes now having improved workflows, vastly reducing the number of clicks involved in a standard Modo modeling session, while the UV viewport has new buttons to give easy access to a range of common display options. The Fit UVs command has new Gaps options to set border padding. Also, it’s now easier to align multiple UV selections in one go.
The Hatchet Collection
Modo 12.0 comes with a selection of python scripts from the popular Hatchet Collection, enhancing core functionality in Modo and making asset creation even more efficient. There’s a wide variety of tools to convert curve types, offset curves, select random, and much more.
Advanced Viewport GPU Acceleration
The Advanced Viewport in Modo now uses Multi Sample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) GPU hardware to speed up anti-aliased rendering. This is a faster, rough and ready version of an also-available Supersampling method. The new GPU powered Anisotropic texture filtering provides superior viewport texture quality in virtually all cases, at the slightest expense of performance.
Rendering and Shading Improvements
Providing a much more flexible way of rendering specific frames, a new frame range channel has been added that controls which frames are to be rendered during animation rendering. The new glTF Material Shader allows for complete WYSIWYG between Modo’s native renderer, the advanced viewport, and any other application that supports the glTF shading model. A Shading Model drop-down has also been added that includes both PBR & Unlit settings.

Treatment procedure:
1. Install the Foundry program (content optional)
2. Install the FLT7 server (if it is already installed, configured and working properly, then go to step 9)
3. Stop Foundry License Server in services or Foundry License Utility (RLM Server -> Stop Server)
4. Copy the patched rlm.foundry.exe to “C:\Program Files\The Foundry\LicensingTools7.1\bin\RLM” replacing the original)
5. Edit xf_foundry.lic replacing HOST_NAME, MAC_ADDRESS and PORT with any of the following:
– run as administrator Foundry License Utility in the menu Diagnostics -> Run Diagnostics (Host Name and System ID)
– via CMD command ipconfig / all (computer name, physical address (without hyphens in lower case))
– run rlmutil.exe via CMD with rlmhostid -q (“The Foundry\LicensingTools7.1\bin\RLM”)
– set the default PORT value to 4101 (5053, although you can write nothing)
Example: HOST WIN-5O9OA5CSM8S 001bdc060b7a 4101
6. Move the edited xf_foundry.lic file to “C:\ProgramData\The Foundry\RLM”
7. Start RLM Server in Services or Foundry License Utility (RLM Server -> Start Server)
8. Check the Foundry License Utility menu Diagnostics -> Run Diagnostics for program licenses
9. Run the program, if everything was done correctly, then the About menu will indicate Floating License. If the program asks for a license at startup without seeing the server, then do the following:
1. Select Install Legacy License -> Use Server -> paste [email protected] into the server selection field.
2. Click the Connect button to connect to the server, if there are no errors, the activation window will disappear.
3. Restart the program to apply the license (so that the About menu becomes Floating License).

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